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Number <br /> <br />DD-021647-X1-X1 <br /> <br /> 04/20/2021 <br />-2- <br /> <br /> <br /> RESERVING unto the State of California an EASEMENT for the purposes of <br />extending the slopes of cuts and fills and incidents thereto, upon, over, under, through <br />the above described parcel; together with the right to construct, operate, and maintain <br />such slope as necessary to effect the purpose of the easement. <br /> <br /> It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that GRANTEE, for itself and <br />their successors and assigns, shall have the right at any time to remove such slopes or <br />portions thereof upon removing the necessity for maintaining such slopes or portions <br />thereof or upon providing in place thereof other adequate lateral support. The design <br />and construction of any support or changes in lieu of existing slopes shall first be <br />approved by the State of California, Department of Transportation or such other public <br />body having the right of said approval for the protection and support of said highway. <br /> <br /> The bearings and distances used in the above description are based on the <br />California Coordinate System of 1927, Zone 3. Multiply distances by 1.0000705 to <br />obtain ground distances. <br /> <br />PARCEL 2 (031372-X1-X1): <br /> <br />. The State of California, acting by and through its Department of Transportation <br />does hereby remise, release, and quitclaim unto the hereinabove named grantee, all <br />right, title and interest in and to PARCEL 2 (031372-X1-X1) described as follows: <br /> <br /> All of that portion of Foothill Boulevard lying Southeasterly of that course <br />described as “N. 55°23’56” E. 2.75 feet” and lying Northeasterly of that course <br />described as “N. 34°36’04” W., 144.29 feet” and the curve with a radius of 88.00 feet <br />and an arc length of 58.41 feet as said courses and curve are described in PARCEL 1 <br />in that certain Document entitled “RELINQUISHMENT OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE <br />CITY OF OAKLAND, ROAD 04-ALA-580-34.6-35.2 REQUEST NO. 31372”, recorded <br />November 29, 1965 in Reel 1652, Image 354, Official Records of Alameda County, <br />State of California. <br /> <br /> CONTAINING 437 square feet, more or less. <br /> <br /> RESERVING unto the State of California an EASEMENT for the purposes of <br />extending the slopes of cuts and fills and incidents thereto, upon, over, under, through <br />the above described PARCEL 2 (031372-X1-X1); together with the right to construct, <br />operate, and maintain such slope as necessary to effect the purpose of the easement. <br /> <br /> It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that GRANTEE, for itself and <br />their successors and assigns, shall have the right at any time to remove such slopes or