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File Number: 23-236 <br />Total $59,500 <br />·Grand Total:$140,900 <br />Legal Analysis <br />The City Attorney reviewed the content of this report and the resolution and approved them as to <br />form. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy T-1.7 Off-street Parking Standards. Implement variable parking standards that <br />reflect such factors as proximity to transit, type of occupancy (seniors, etc.), number of <br />bedrooms (for housing), and the expected level of parking demand. Parking requirements <br />should reflect the City’s goal of reducing vehicle miles traveled. <br />·Policy T-5.7 Technology and Roadway Efficiency. Use technology, including smart phone <br />applications, roadway sensors, and real-time data on congestion, travel time, and parking <br />supply to create a more efficient transportation system, and to maximize the benefits of the <br />existing road system before investing in its expansion. <br />·Policy ED-4.5 Downtown San Leandro. Implement parking management strategies that <br />ensure that convenient parking is available for shoppers and restaurant patrons in <br />Downtown San Leandro. <br />Financial Impacts <br />This Parking Fund program will cost $140,900.00, which was included in the Fiscal Year <br />2023-2024 ($81,400.00) and Fiscal Year 2024-2025 ($59,500.00) Adopted Budget. This <br />program’s revenues are expected to off-set its expenditures in this fiscal year. The program will <br />be funded as follows: <br />·Parking Fund-Administration, Account 132-35-008:$140,900 <br />·Total $140,900 <br />This Council action will not impact the Parking Fund’s undesignated fund balance because there <br />are funds available in the FY2024 & FY2025 adopted budget. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />·Attachment A: Resolution for a Consulting Services Agreement with Dixon Resources <br />Unlimited <br />·Attachment B: Dixon Scope of Work and Compensation Schedule <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/5/2023