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12B Public Hearings
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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DescriptionReferenceExplanationCurrent FeeProposed Fees1 Development Fees for Street Improvements (DFSI) (2)SLMC §7-11-120A. Residential:-- General residential$1,854.89Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837-- Senior housing$925.59Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837-- Accessory Dwelling Unit (4)$925.59 maximum (No fee when <750 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837B. Commercial:-- General Office $5.15/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <360 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837-- Medical Office$7.21/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <257 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837C. Retail: -- General Retail$5.76/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <322 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837-- Personal Services$3.09/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <600 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837D. Restaurants Quality Restaurants$4.13/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <449 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837All Other Restaurants$16.69/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <111 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837E. Financial Services$15.45/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <120 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837F. Hotel/Motel$1,256.42/roomIncrease based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837G. Industrial: -- General$1.65/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <1,124 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837-- Mini-warehouse$0.52/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <3,567 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837-- Service Station$13,183.13/stationIncrease based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.08373 Davis-Doolittle Traffic Impact Fee Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837TAZ (rates are per sq. ft.)123456 81 234568General Residential $0.14 $6.52 $0.32 $0.23 $0.07 $0.09 $0.87$0.15 $7.06 $0.34 $0.25 $0.07 $0.09 $0.94Senior Housing$0.07 $3.70 $0.16 $0.12 $0.04 $0.04 $0.48$0.07 $4.01 $0.18 $0.13 $0.04 $0.04 $0.52Accessory Dwelling Unit (No fee when < 750 sq. ft.) (4)$0.07 $3.70 $0.16 $0.12 $0.04 $0.04 $0.48$0.07 $4.01 $0.18 $0.13 $0.04 $0.04 $0.52General Office $0.24 $10.96$0.56 $0.38 $0.11 $0.15 $1.46$0.26 $11.87 $0.60 $0.41 $0.12 $0.16 $1.59Medical Office $0.33 $15.73$0.78 $0.57 $0.16 $0.22 $2.09$0.36 $17.05 $0.84 $0.61 $0.18 $0.24 $2.26General Retail $0.27 $12.59 $0.62 $0.43 $0.12 $0.16 $1.68$0.30 $13.64 $0.67 $0.46 $0.13 $0.18 $1.82Personal Services $0.14 $6.74 $0.33 $0.23 $0.07 $0.09 $0.90$0.15 $7.30 $0.36 $0.25 $0.07 $0.09 $0.97Financial Services $0.73 $33.72 $1.67 $1.19 $0.36 $0.46 $4.49$0.79 $36.54 $1.81 $1.29 $0.39 $0.49 $4.86Hotel/Motel$0.11 $5.39 $0.26 $0.20 $0.05 $0.07 $0.72$0.12 $5.85 $0.28 $0.21 $0.06 $0.07 $0.78General Industrial $0.07 $3.59 $0.16 $0.12 $0.04 $0.04 $0.46$0.07 $3.89 $0.18 $0.13 $0.04 $0.04 $0.49Mini-Warehouse $0.03 $1.11$0.05 $0.04 $0.01 $0.01 $0.14$0.03 $1.21 $0.06 $0.04 $0.01 $0.01 $0.15Service Station $0.98 $44.94 $2.19 $1.58 $0.50 $0.62 $5.97$1.06 $48.71 $2.38 $1.72 $0.54 $0.67 $6.484 Marina / Interstate 880 Traffic Impact Fee (3)A. Residential:-- General residential$926.03/unitIncrease based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837-- Senior housing $312.93/unitIncrease based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837-- Accessory Dwelling Unit (4)$312.93/unit (No fee when <750 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837B. Commercial:-- General Office$1.94/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <477 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837-- Medical Office$3.66/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <253 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837C. Retail: -- General Retail$2.26/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <410 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837-- Personal Services$3.13/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <296 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837D. Restaurants -- Quality Restaurants$4.25/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <218 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837-- All Other Restaurants$7.23/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <128 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837E. Financial Services$16.11/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <57 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837F. Hotel/Motel$830.25/roomIncrease based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837G. Industrial:-- General$1.21/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <765 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837-- Mini-warehouse$0.27/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <3,430 sq. ft.)Increase based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837 -- Service Station$3,324.81/stationIncrease based on Engineering News Records Construction Cost SF Index escalation factor of 1.0837(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)Impact fee for ADUs 750 sq. ft. or larger shall be charged proportionately in relation to the size of the primary dwelling unit, per CA Gov't Code Section 65852.2.Technology Fee does not apply to the following fees: (1) Development Fees for Street Improvements, (3) Davis-Doolittle Traffic Impact Fee, (4) Marina/Interstate 880 Traffic Impact Fee, $1.12/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <769 sq. ft.)$0.25/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <3,444 sq. ft.)$3,090.94/stationDirect Costs: Hourly personnel charge plus a factor of 33% for benefits, 54% for indirect overhead charges and 87% for staff support charges.This fee is reviewed in February of each year to determine if adjustment is required based on changes in the Construction Cost Index as shown in the “Engineering News Record.”Marina/ Interstate 880 Impact Fees pertain to a certain zone in the City - Please contact Engineering & Transportation Department for a complete map$1.81/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <476 sq. ft.)$3.40/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <253 sq. ft.) $2.10/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <410 sq. ft.)$2.91/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <296 sq. ft.) $3.95/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <218 sq. ft.)$6.72/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <128 sq. ft.)$14.98/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <57 sq. ft.)$771.85/room $860.89/unit$290.92/unit$290.92/unit (No fee when <750 sq. ft.)TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE SCHEDULE$2.85/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <601 sq. ft.) $3.81/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <449 sq. ft.)$15.40/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <111 sq. ft.)$14.25/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <120 sq. ft.)$1,159.34/room $1.53/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <1,119 sq. ft.)$0.48/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <3,566 sq. ft.)$12,164.51/stationTRAFFIC IMPACT FEE SCHEDULE$5.32/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <322 sq. ft.)ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT - Traffic Division$1,711.57$854.07$854.07 maximum (No fee when <750 sq. ft.)$4.75/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <360 sq. ft.)$6.65/gross bldg. sq. ft. (No fee when <257 sq. ft.)
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