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consultation, and archaeological monitoring may be warranted to mitigate significant <br />impacts to cultural resources. In consultation with the archaeologists, the Applicant and/or <br />Property Owner shall implement any measures deemed by City staff to be necessary and <br />feasible to avoid or minimize significant effects to the cultural resources. <br />73. Unanticipated Discovery of Tribal Cultural Resources. In the event that tribal cultural <br />resources of Native American origin are identified during construction, all earth -disturbing <br />work within 50 feet of the find shall be temporarily suspended or redirected until an <br />archaeologist has evaluated the nature and significance of the find and an appropriate <br />Native American representative, based on the nature of the find, is consulted. If the City, in <br />consultation with local Native Americans, determines the resource is a tribal cultural <br />resource and thus significant under CEQA, a cultural resources management plan shall be <br />prepared and implemented in accordance with state guidelines (PRC Section 20184.3 <br />(b)(2)) and in consultation with Native American groups. The plan would include avoidance <br />of the resource or, if avoidance of the resource is infeasible, the plan would outline the <br />appropriate treatment of the resource in coordination with the archaeologist, if applicable, <br />and the appropriate Native American tribal representative(s). The plan shall be reviewed <br />and approved by the City and the consulting Native American tribal representative(s) prior <br />to implementation. <br />IX. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS <br />74. Construction Hours. Construction on the Project site shall not begin prior to 7:00 am Monday <br />through Friday, and prior to 8:00 am on Saturday and Sunday, and shall cease by 7:00 pm <br />each evening, unless otherwise approved by the Chief Building Official. There shall be no <br />construction on Federal holidays. Interior construction shall be permitted outside the above <br />hours provided that construction noise shall not be detectable outside of the structures being <br />built. <br />75. Construction Activity. Construction activity shall not create dust, noise or safety hazards for <br />adjacent residents and properties. Dirt and mud shall not be tracked onto surrounding <br />streets from the Project site during construction. All air quality and dust control mitigation <br />measures identified in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program shall be adhered to <br />at all times. <br />76. Construction Site Maintenance. During the construction phase, the site shall be well <br />maintained in a neat manner, free of weeds, litter and debris. <br />77. Secure Construction Site. The property shall be secured during construction with a <br />temporary six (6) foot high chain link fence with green screening and any other security <br />measures in accordance with recommendation of the San Leandro Police Department. <br />Alternative temporary fencing is subject to prior approval from the Zoning Enforcement <br />Official. Temporary fencing shall be maintained and kept free of graffiti. <br />78. Pest and Vermin Control. Pest and vermin control shall be instituted prior to the demolition <br />and construction of the project. <br />79. Construction Facilities. Potable water and temporary sanitary facilities shall be provided to <br />workers during construction activities. Temporary sanitary facilities shall be kept in a clean <br />and odorless condition, secured, and located away from nearby businesses. <br />80. Construction Contact. Adjacent businesses and residents shall be provided with the contact <br />information of the responsible site foreman or managing general contractor during periods <br />of grading and construction. <br />81. Property Maintenance. The project site and public right-of-way shall be well maintained and <br />shall be kept free of litter, debris and weeds at all times. Post construction, the project site <br />Agreement to Conditions June 2, 2022 <br />PLN20-0044 Page 9 of 12 <br />