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[CCR] Title 22, Section 66261.24), the project applicant will retain a qualified <br />environmental consultant to conduct additional analytical testing and <br />recommend soil disposal recommendations, or consider other remedial <br />engineering controls, as necessary. <br />The qualified environmental consultant will utilize the site analytical results for <br />waste characterization purposes prior to offsite transportation or disposal of <br />potentially impacted soils or other impacted wastes. The qualified environmental <br />consultant will provide disposal recommendations and arrange for proper <br />disposal of the waste soils or other impacted wastes (as necessary), and/or <br />provide recommendations for remedial engineering controls, if appropriate. <br />The City will review and approve the disposal recommendations prior to <br />transportation of waste soils offsite, and review and approve remedial <br />engineering controls, prior to construction. <br />Remediation of impacted soils and/or implementation of remedial engineering <br />controls, may require additional delineation of impacts; additional analytical <br />testing per landfill or recycling facility requirements; soil excavation; and offsite <br />disposal or recycling. <br />The City will review and approve the disposal recommendations prior to <br />transportation of waste soils offsite and review and approve remedial <br />engineering controls, prior to construction. <br />XI. CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE PROVISIONS <br />76. Construction Hours. Construction on the Project site shall not begin prior to 7:00 <br />am Monday through Friday, and prior to 8:00 am on Saturday and Sunday, and <br />shall cease by 7:00 pm each evening, unless otherwise approved by the Chief <br />Building Official. There shall be no construction on Federal holidays. Interior <br />construction shall be permitted outside the above hours provided that <br />construction noise shall not be detectable outside of the structures being built. <br />77. Construction Activity. Construction activity shall not create dust, noise or safety <br />hazards for adjacent residents and properties. Dirt and mud shall not be tracked <br />onto surrounding streets from the Project site during construction. <br />78. Maintenance. During the construction phase, the site shall be well maintained in <br />a neat manner, free of weeds, litter and debris. <br />79. Secure Construction Site. The property shall be secured during construction with <br />a six (6) foot high chain link fence and any other security measures in <br />accordance with recommendation of the San Leandro Police Department. <br />80. Pest and Vermin Control. Pest and vermin control shall be instituted prior to the <br />demolition and construction of the project. <br />81. Construction Facilities. Potable water and temporary sanitary facilities shall be <br />provided to workers during construction activities. Temporary sanitary facilities <br />shall be kept in a clean and odorless condition, secured, and located away from <br />nearby residences. <br />Conditions of Approval May 2, 2022 <br />PLN21-0005 2824 Halcyon Dr Page 13 of 15 <br />