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<br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised 6/16/22 <br />Kevin E. Hart for Emergency Preparedness Consulting Services Exhibit B – Page 2 of 2 <br /> March 20, 2024: Develop a training guide and training for City Council. Recommend <br />changes to EOC matrix following trainings and exercises. <br /> May 15, 2024: EOP Quick Tabletop Training for departments. <br /> July 1, 2024: Develop just-in-time online training course list for new staff and EOC <br />training video. <br /> July 14, 2024: Ensure 3 CERT trainings are completed by this date in tandem with <br />ALCO Fire. <br /> October 21, 2024: Develop a Great Shakeout earthquake EOC drill, building on an <br />evacuation of City Hall and other facilities and an EOC activation drill. <br /> Deadline varies: Project manage Local Hazard Mitigation Plan development and <br />approval. <br /> Deadline varies: Recommend long-term infrastructure plan for city’s alert and warning <br />system including siren upgrades. <br />EXHIBIT B <br /> <br />COMPENSATION SCHEDULE & REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />City agrees to pay consultant according to the outlined compensation schedule below: <br /> <br /> <br /> Hourly Rate: $90 <br /> Maximum Hours: 1110 <br /> Total $49,000 per fiscal year <br /> <br /> <br />There are no reimbursable expenses. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: FC24B986-8DA6-46D2-8929-47308045E445