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Minutes 2018 0326 State of the City Address
City Clerk
City Council
Minutes 2018 0326 State of the City Address
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8/9/2023 5:15:22 PM
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8/9/2023 5:15:18 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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4 <br /> <br />glaucoma. This technology is changing surgical practices around the world, life changing work <br />and done right here in San Leandro. <br />I also had the pleasure of visiting Vantage Robotics, a leader in drone manufacturing, and <br />FreeWire Technologies, which manufactures mobile electric vehicle chargers with high capacity <br />battery systems. <br />I love learning about these businesses because it inspires me to see all of the incredible <br />innovation taking place in San Leandro. We also continue working with startups to develop new <br />services and tools, showing how civic technologies and entrepreneurs can help government <br />achieve its mission. <br />Innovation and the Smart City <br />Innovation is also my goal for the investments we make as a City government. We should always <br />be searching for new and better and more efficient ways of providing services to our residents, <br />and managing the business of government. <br />Innovation means empowering our residents to communicate directly with the City staff, and <br />work together to improve our city. With this in mind, we launched the MySL mobile app early last <br />year with the purpose of providing residents a way to report information to City staff. Since that <br />time, there have been over ten thousand requests for service with a completion rate of 95%. <br />Looking ahead for smart solutions with technology also means that we can save money as well <br />as care for our environment. <br />For example, this past year we implemented infrastructure retrofits and Smart City technology <br />for energy and water equipment. This included the conversion of all of our streetlights to high <br />efficiency LED lighting. These improvements will result in savings of $8 million in energy costs <br />over 15 years, reducing the City’s greenhouse gas emissions by 1,400 metric tons annually. That’s <br />the equivalent of 3.3 million miles driven in a year. <br />The City Council and I continue to champion the efficient use of scarce environmental resources <br />like water and power. This past year the City won a $3.9 million dollar grant from the California
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