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<br />Non-Professional Services Agreement between July 1, 2020 <br />City of San Leandro and MV Transportation, Inc.—Exhibit A Page 1 of 14 <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />The information below describes the most current status of the paratransit program. Depending <br />on the funds available, and the cost of service, these parameters may be expanded or reduced. It <br />is the desire of the City of San Leandro to maximize the level of service that can be provided for <br />the fixed funds available. <br /> <br />The Flex Shuttle service includes the Shuttle Bus. <br /> <br />A. FLEX SHUTTLE BUS <br />The Flex Shuttle service consists of (2) shuttle routes (North and South) within the <br />CITY limits at key locations such as residential facilities, shopping, t ransit and <br />community centers. The scheduled time points form two “one-way loops”. Eligible <br />walk-on passengers can access the shuttle at any shuttle stop. Deviated stops that are <br />on the shuttle route can be accommodated for pick-up and drop-off. Passengers can <br />also flag the vehicle to stop at any safe location along the route. (See attached Flex <br />Shuttle Schedule and Flex Shuttle Route Map.) <br /> <br />Shuttle stops and route may change within the contract period to meet demand. <br />Changes will be made in consultation with the CONTRACTOR. The CITY shall be <br />solely responsible for the identification, design, placement and maintenance of any <br />fixed-stop locations. <br /> <br />Service Area: City of San Leandro (incorporated City limits) <br />Days of Operation: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday <br />Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (no stop in service for lunch/breaks) <br />Holidays: Service does not operate on approximately 13 City <br />holidays/year <br />Eligibility: Disabled Adults (18+) and Seniors 50+ <br />Reservations: None required, walk -on passengers <br />Fare: Free <br />Accessibility: Lift Equipped Wheelchair Accessible <br />Number of Vehicles: (4) Buses <br />Capacity: (Each) 14-16 Ambulatory, 2-4 Wheelchair <br />North Route: 10 Stops, 45 Minute Loop (can change) <br />South Route: 10 Stops, 50 Minute Loop (can change) <br />Available Funding: Measure B/BB Base Grant (TBA) <br /> <br />Deviated stops that are close to the shuttle route can be accommodated for pick -up and <br />drop-off. The service began as a deviated-route service, allowing the shuttle to deviate off <br />the route for scheduled pick-up and drop-offs and then return to the scheduled time <br />points. Although the service has since been modified to a more traditional fixed -route <br />shuttle, we have found that we have some capacity to deviate off the fixed route. It is the <br />City’s desire to maintain this capability. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: A37B6882-9DC4-4354-8C91-CAA3EB6688AF