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<br /> <br />Non-Professional Services Agreement between August 1, 2023 <br />City of San Leandro and AERI Tree Services — Exhibit A Page 5 of 35 <br />Time” indicated by the Contractor on their proposal for the completion work or delivery of the <br />goods specified. Failure of Contractor to complete the work or deliver the goods within the time <br />allowed will result in damages, and for each consecutive day in excess, the contractor shall pay <br />to the City the sum of $100.00 per calendar day. Such amount shall not be construed as a penalty <br />but as a minimum value of liquidated damages that may be deducted from payment due to the <br />contractor if such delay occurs. <br />LICENSES: Contractor must possess current California D-49 Tree Service Contractor’s License <br />and DIR Registration for duration of contract. Contractor must have all licenses, permits, <br />qualifications, and approvals of whatsoever nature that are legally required to practice their <br />respective professions as specified in Section 7.4 of the Non-Professional Services Agreement. <br />MEASUREMENTS: It is the responsibility of the Contractor to make all measurements to <br />determine their proposed price. The City will not be responsible for determining the quantities of <br />materials necessary to complete the work specified. <br />PERMITS: Unless otherwise specified herein, Contractor shall at their expense, obtain all permits <br />and licenses and pay all charges and fees necessary for the performance of the contract, and <br />shall give all public notices necessary for the lawful performance of the contract. <br />Contractor shall pay all taxes, levies, duties and assessments of every nature due in connection <br />with any work under the contract, shall make any and all payroll deductions required by law, and <br />shall indemnify and hold harmless the City from any liability on account of any and all such taxes, <br />levies, duties, assessments and deductions. <br />SPILL PREVENTION & CONTROL: The Contractor shall take precautions to prevent accidental <br />spills during the work under this contract and keep a stockpile of spill control materials, such as <br />rags or absorbents, readily accessible onsite. <br />In the event of a spill, the Contractor shall: <br />1. Report any hazardous materials spills immediately to the Alameda County Fire <br />Department, the Alameda County Hazardous Materials Division, and other state and local <br />agencies as required by state and local regulations. <br />2. Immediately contain and prevent leaks and spills from entering the storm drain system, <br />and properly clean up and dispose of the waste and clean up materials. <br />3. Not wash any spilled material into the streets, gutters, storm drains, or creeks. <br /> <br />STORM WATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES: To eliminate storm water pollution, the <br />Contractor shall implement effective control measures at construction sites. BMPs include <br />schedules of activities, prohibition of practices, general good housekeeping practices, operational <br />practices, pollution prevention practices, maintenance procedures, and other management <br />procedures to prevent the discharge of pollutants directly or indirectly to the storm drain system. <br />The Contractor shall implement all applicable BMPs including but not limited to the following: <br />• Store materials that have the potential to be transported to the storm drain system, by <br />storm runoff or by a spill, under cover in a contained area or in sealed waterproof <br />containers. <br />• During wet weather or when rain is in forecast, store materials that can contaminate <br />rainwater or be transported by storm water or other runoff to the storm drain system inside <br />a building or cover them with a tarp or other waterproof material secured with weights to