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<br /> <br /> Managing Tomorrow’s Resources Today <br /> <br /> <br />Jennifer Auletta <br />July 28, 2023 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br /> <br /> <br />Task 4 StopWaste Partnership <br />• Attend monthly and quarterly StopWaste meetings <br />• Attend monthly meetings with ACI and Cascadia <br />• Collaborate with StopWaste to manage enforcement of the Organics Reduction and Recycling <br />Ordinance and edible food recovery program <br />Task 5 Project Management and Transitional Support <br />• Regularly meet with City staff to discuss tasks related to the scope of work, address any changes, and <br />keep the City informed of progress <br />• Support the transition to a new permanent City staff position <br />Fee Estimate <br />HF&H proposes to perform this work on a time-and-materials basis, based on the hourly rates presented <br />in Exhibit A, and with a total not-to-exceed budget of $80,000. This budget assumes HF&H will provide an <br />average of sixty hours of support to the City per month, or fourteen hours per week, for six months. HF&H <br />proposes to bill the City for actual expenses incurred in the performance of this project, with no mark-up. <br />If at any point the actual average number of hours for support provided to the City exceeds 14 hours per <br />week, HF&H will meet with the City to determine how to allocate the remaining budget over the remaining <br />months of the contract. <br />HF&H sincerely appreciates the opportunity to continue assisting the City. We are happy to discuss any <br />requested adjustments to our proposal. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this proposal, <br />please do not hesitate to contact Felisia at (925) 900-0601 or or Rob at <br />(925) 977-6959 or <br />Sincerely, <br />HF&H CONSULTANTS, LLC <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Rob Hilton <br />President <br /> <br /> <br />Attachment A – Standard Hourly Rates and Billing Arrangements