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File Number: 23-418 <br />Legal Analysis <br /> <br />The City Attorney reviewed the quote provided by LEFTA Systems (Exhibit B), along with the <br />grant documentation (Exhibit’s C-E) and approved as to form. <br />Financial Impacts <br />This Grant Fund (F150) project will cost $41,667.00 for a three-year agreement. This requires <br />increasing the FY 2023-2024 Budget by the grant award amount ($34,316.90) and will be funded <br />by a grant that will increase revenues through an Alameda County Sheriff’s Office reimbursement <br />deposited into the City’s Federal Grants Account, 150-3608. <br />The grant award of $38,241.00 (minus $3,824.10 administrative fee referenced above) is fully <br />reimbursable and has no matching requirement. The remaining $7,350.10 for the contract will be <br />funded from 150-21-011 in FY 2023-2024. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachment A: Resolution Accept JAG Grant Funds and Fund LEFTA SHIELD Software Suite <br />Attachment B: LEFTA Quote <br />Attachment C: Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Award Letter <br />Attachment D: Fiscal Year 2023 Byrne JAG Budget Narrative <br />Attachment E: Fiscal Year 2023 Byrne JAG Certifications and Assurances <br />PREPARED BY: Lt. Jeffrey Walton, San Leandro Police Department <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2023