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File Number: 23-416 <br />Since 1994, the General Fund has contributed to the Storm Water Fund in order to make it whole <br />and as of June 30, 2023 the Storm Water Fund owed the General Fund approximately $2.5 <br />million. <br />At the April 3, 2023 City Council meeting, staff provided an overview of Storm Water operations, <br />including the status of the Storm Water Fund, and the City Council directed staff to proceed with <br />the Proposition 218 voting process. On May 1, 2023, Council approved a $203,350 Consulting <br />Services Agreement with HF&H for implementation of a Proposition 218 voting process. <br />Analysis <br />Additional analysis of the existing storm water system is needed, including an evaluation and <br />prioritization of recommended improvements for overall flood protection and infrastructure <br />investment to meet environmental mandates and adapt to climate change. A Storm Drain Master <br />Plan document is under development to provide the comprehensive analysis necessary to ensure <br />that the future needs of the storm drain system and compliance requirements are considered <br />when setting rates. <br />The Storm Drain Master Plan will serve as the basis for determining an equitable rate structure <br />and would be the foundation for the Storm Water Proposition 218 process. The intent of the <br />proposed revenue measure is for the Storm Water Fund to again be self-sufficient and no longer <br />require future General Fund contributions. <br />$125,000 in additional funding is needed to develop a Storm Drain Master Plan and for <br />management of the proposed revenue measure process. <br />Financial Impacts <br />As the Storm Water Fund (Fund 598) is currently running an annual deficit, the General Fund <br />would loan the funds to the Storm Water Fund. The Storm Water Fund would repay the General <br />Fund assuming a revenue measure is approved in the future to make the Storm Water Fund <br />solvent. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />Attachment A: Resolution for Appropriation of $125,000 to Account 598-58-006-5120 <br />PREPARED BY: Cynthia Battenberg, Special Projects , Public Works Department <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2023