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File Number: 23-429 <br />Additional requirements under the Lease Agreement include pollution control liability coverage, <br />workers compensation, and commercial general liability insurance with a limit of $5 million per <br />occurrence during construction and $2 million per occurrence during ongoing operations and <br />maintenance. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Place San Leandro on a firm foundation for long-term fiscal sustainability. <br />·Advance projects and programs promoting sustainable economic development, including <br />transforming San Leandro into a center of innovation. <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy LU-2.1 (Land Use) - Complete Neighborhoods. Strive for “complete <br />neighborhoods” that provide an array of housing choices; easy access to retail stores, <br />commercial services, and medical care; quality public schools, great parks and open <br />spaces, affordable transportation options; and civic amenities. <br />·Policy ED-1.10 Tax Revenues. Encourage development that generates <br />sales tax, property tax, and other revenues that sustain municipal services. <br />·Policy ED-2.1. Business-Friendly City. Maintain a collaborative and supportive <br />relationship between the City and the private sector that emphasizes the ease of doing <br />business in San Leandro. <br />·Policy ED-3.2 (Economic Development) - Business Infrastructure <br />Develop the infrastructure necessary to transform San Leandro into a center for innovation <br />and creativity, including high-speed communications, sustainable energy systems, high <br />performing utilities, and convenient access to business networks and support services. <br />·Policy ED-3.4 (Economic Development) - Lit San Leandro Expansion <br />Evaluate opportunities for further expansion of the Lit San Leandro fiber optic network to <br />those parts of the city that are currently not served, including schools, public facilities, <br />neighborhood business districts, residences, and hospitals. <br />Environmental Review <br />A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) was adopted by the State Lands Commission, the lead <br />agency of the project, on June 5th, 2023. The City is a responsible agency. The associated draft <br />resolution makes the necessary findings related to the MND under Guidelines section 15096 for <br />purposes of the City’s action on the lease. The MND adequately addresses all environmental <br />impacts associated with the project and the City’s action. <br />Board/Commission Review and Actions <br />On September 6, 2023, the City Council Facilities and Transportation Committee received a <br />presentation from Bandwidth on the proposed project and terms of the lease agreement. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2023