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EXHIBIT B - Page 1 of 1 <br />EXHIBIT B <br />CODE OF CONDUCT <br />The City shall be responsible for displaying, in clear view of all recipients, MRCC’s Code of Conduct <br />(MBBP shall provide) at their site every distribution day and ensuring the Code of Conduct is upheld by <br />recipients, volunteers, and employees. The code of conduct is as follows: <br />All participants in the Mercy Brown Bag Program must: <br />•Treat volunteers, staff, and other recipients with courtesy and respect. <br />•Refrain from using insulting, abusive, and/or derogatory language. <br />Participants in the Mercy Brown Bag agree to the following policies: <br />•Physical, verbal, or emotional abuse is met with a zero-tolerance policy and could lead to the <br />recipient being banned from receiving MBBP services. This type of behavior could include, but <br />is not limited to, grabbing, pushing, throwing food, and other types of unwanted physical <br />contact. <br />•Cutting in line or saving places in line is met with a zero-tolerance policy and could lead to the <br />recipient being banned from receiving MBBP services. <br />•Re-selling food obtained through MBBP is strictly prohibited and will result in the recipient <br />being banned from receiving MBBP services. <br />•Recipients must take only the food allotted to them during distribution. Stealing food from other <br />recipients or from MBBP distributions could lead to the recipient getting banned from receiving <br />MBBP services. <br />MBBP reserves the right to permanently exclude any recipient from the program who does not comply <br />with these policies. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: B7D431A8-D5C5-4F91-8EE2-BFC745D33909