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File Number: 23-522 <br />Nevertheless, in an effort to dutifully respond to the City Council’s urgent referral, City staff have <br />prepared the attached draft resolution, in partnership with Council Member Aguilar. <br />For the reasons cited above, City staff respectfully urges the City Council to not take any action on <br />the draft Resolution and to instead direct staff to continue actively monitoring this issue and to <br />report back to the City Council with updates and further refined recommendations. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />To be determined. Given that it is City Staff’s understanding that details from Alameda County are <br />still in development, coupled with an exceedingly short window of time that was authorized to fully <br />evaluate this issue area, it is infeasible to provide substantive fiscal impact estimates associated <br />with adoption of the proposed Resolution. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />·Attachment A - Draft Resolution <br />PREPARED BY: <br />Eric Engelbart, Deputy City Manager <br />Jessica Lobedan, Human Services Director <br />Tom Liao, Community Development Director <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/1/2023