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<br /> <br /> <br />CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br />THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO AND <br />CONVERGEONE, INC. <br />DATA CENTER PROJECT <br /> <br />THIS AGREEMENT ³$JUHHPHQW´ for consulting services is made by and between the City of San <br />Leandro ³&LW\´ DQG&RQYHUJH2QH,QF ³&RQVXOWDQW´  WRJHWKHUVRPHWLPHVUHIHUUHGWRDVWKH³3DUWLHV´ DVRI <br />___________, 2023 (the ³(IIHFWLYH'DWH´  <br />Section 1. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. Consultant shall provide to City the services described in the <br />Scopes of Work attached as Exhibits A-1 and A-2 at the time and place and in the manner specified therein <br />1.1 Agreement Documents. The Agreement between the City and Consultant consists of the following <br />documents: <br />1. State of Minnesota WSCA-NASPO Master Agreement No. MNWNC-109, between the State of <br />Minnesota (as the Lead State) and EMC Corporation, effective April 1, 2015 for Computer Equipment: <br />Storage Related Peripherals and Services ³01:1&-´ and Participating Addendum No.7-15- <br />70-34-004, between the State of California and EMC Peripherals Inc., effective November 10, 2015 <br /> ³3$-15-70-34-´ ConvergeOne, Inc. is an authorized reseller under both MNWNC-109 and PA <br />7-15-70-34-004 referenced herein; <br />2. National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance Master Agreement No. 01-96 effective August 1, 2019, <br />between the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance and Promark Technology, Inc., pursuant to <br />which ConvergeOne is an authorized reseller ³1&3$-96); <br />3. This Agreement for Consulting Services between City and Consultant; and <br />4. Any City issued Purchase Order to Consultant that is placed against the terms and conditions of this <br />Agreement. <br />5. Exhibits; Precedence. All documents listed in this Section 1.1 shall be collectively referred to as the <br />³$JUHHPHQW 'RFXPHQWV´ DQG DUH HDFK KHUHE\ KHUHLQ LQFRUSRUDWHG LQWR WKLV $JUHHPHQW E\ WKLV <br />reference. In the event of a conflict in terms between the terms and conditions of any of the <br />Agreement Documents listed in Sections 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 above HDFKLQGLYLGXDOO\D³&RRSHUDWLYH <br />3URFXUHPHQW &RQWUDFW´  DQG WKH WHUPV DQG FRQGLWLRQV VSHFLILFDOO\ VWDWHG LQ WKLV $JUHHPHQW IRU <br />Consulting Services, the terms and conditions of the applicable Cooperative Procurement Contract <br />as detailed in Exhibit B and as referenced in the correlating Compensation Schedule and <br />Reimbursable Expenses containing the itemized products and services available for purchase under <br />the designated Cooperative Procurement Contract, shall control over the terms and conditions <br />specifically stated in this Agreement for Consulting Services. <br />1.2 Term of Services. The term of this Agreement shall begin on the Effective Date and shall end on the <br />date of completion, if any, specified in Exhibits A-1 and A-2, and Consultant shall complete the work <br />described in Exhibits A-1 and A-2 on or before that specified date, unless the term of the Agreement <br />is otherwise terminated or extended, as provided for in Section 8. The time provided to Consultant to <br />complete the Services required by this Agreement shall not affect WKH&LW\¶V right to terminate the <br />Agreement, as referenced in Section 8. <br />1.3 Standard of Performance. Consultant shall perform all services required pursuant to this Agreement <br />in the manner and according to the standards observed by a competent practitioner of the profession <br />in which Consultant is engaged. <br />1.4 Assignment of Personnel. Consultant shall assign only competent personnel to perform services <br />pursuant to this Agreement. In the event that City, in its sole discretion, at any time during the term <br />of this Agreement, desires the reassignment of any such persons, Consultant shall, immediately upon <br />receiving notice from City of such desire of City, reassign such person or persons. <br />1.5 Time. Consultant shall devote such time to the performance of services pursuant to this Agreement <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: F142FC13-2565-4871-97AE-5ACD1BA331FC