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Packet 20231016
5F Consent
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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LocationDescriptionSpecial Instructions/Exceptions to Baseline. Work also includes Baseline Maintenance ServicesMonthly Price* Annual CostL18 Doolittle DrLandscaped areas in between sidewalk and curb on east side of street, from Davis St north to controller box at 130 Doolittle Drive (“Welcome to Oakland” sign)Weekly Trash and Debris removal $ 513.19 $6,158.28L19 Doolittle Dr Medians from Davis St north to 260 Doolittle Drive Weekly Trash and Debris removal $ 513.19 $6,158.28L20 Dowling Bl Three (3) medians – (2 large & 1 small) at intersection across from the Breed Ave side of Washington Elementary SchoolService is required quarterly at a minimum $ 59.22 $710.64L21 Dutton Bl 566 Dutton Ave - trim plants and remove weeds in two (2) red brick planters next to dry cleaners.Service is required quarterly at a minimum. No irrigation $ 19.74 $236.88L22 Dutton Bl Median across from the front of Washington Elementary School at Breed Ave.Service is required monthly at a minimum. No irrigation. $ 59.22 $710.64L23 E. 14th St. Landscaped strip from Bristol Blvd to Farrelly Dr along the frontage road. Medians from Bristol Bl to Broadmoor Blvd except for the archWeekly Trash and Debris removal $ 513.19 $6,158.28L24 E. 14th St. Bank entrance and entire plaza area in between buildings, including planter boxes at Wells Fargo Bank at 1298 E. 14th St. Blow out and pick up debris every Tuesday and Friday. The planter areas must be trimmed and kept weed freeTwice Weekly Trash and Debris removal - Tuesday and Friday $ 513.24 $6,158.88L25 E. 14th St. Landscaped area in front of Buffet Fortuna (1330 Washington Ave) including the lawn area between 1330 and 1371 E. 14th, and the patio area along the south side of Buffet Fortuna from E. 14th Street to Washington Ave, and area located along the south side of 1427 E14th st (runs along the building)Weekly Trash and Debris removal $ 384.93 $4,619.16L26 E. 14th St. Two (2) planter boxes in alleyway between 1350 & 1378 E. 14th St, all planter boxes in parking lot behind 1350 & 1378 E. 14th Street, planting strip along Estudillo Ave up to 215 Estudillo Ave, along west wall of 215 Estudillo Ave, along west fence line of 176 Joaquin Ave up to Joaquin Ave (including tree), and all sidewalks around parking lot and in the alleyway - no irrigation. Blow out all areas and pick up debris every Tuesday and Friday Twice Weekly Trash and Debris removal - Tuesday and Friday $ 769.86 $9,238.32L27 E. 14th St. All medians and landscaped areas in parking lot behind 1495 E. 14th St west to Washington Ave and north to 156 W. Juana Ave, including the planter area next to 156 W. JuanaWeekly Trash and Debris removal $ 513.19 $6,158.28L28 E. 14th St. Five medians between 136th Ave and 144th Ave Weekly Trash and Debris removal $ 513.19 $6,158.28L29 Fairway Ave Medians between Doolittle Dr and Blue Whale St Weekly Trash and Debris removal $ 513.19 $6,158.28L30 Farnsworth Ave Landscaping on northeast corner of the Burkhart Ave intersection $ 128.36 $1,540.32L31 Farnsworth Ave Landscaping on three (3) corners of Farnsworth Ave and Manor Bl including three (3) small islands in the parking lot in front of market at 1167 Manor Blvd and tree pits and shrubs across the street from 1167 Manor Blvd. Do not maintain the northwest corner of Farnsworth Ave and Manor BlvdWeekly Trash and Debris removal $ 256.62 $3,079.44L33 Farnsworth Ave Shrubs and trees on both sides of Farnsworth Ave south of Manor Blvd to the end of the bank and Porter’s Market. $ 128.36 $1,540.32Attachment C - Compensation
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