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RESOLUTION NO. 2023-XXX 12 <br />Construction Provisions <br /> <br />48. Secure Construction Site. The property shall be secured during construction with a temporary six (6) foot <br />high chain link fence with green screening and any other security measures in accordance with <br />recommendation of the San Leandro Police Department. Alternative temporary fencing is subject to prior <br />approval from the Zoning Enforcement Official. Temporary fencing shall be maintained and kept free of <br />graffiti. <br /> <br />49. Removal of Street Trees. Prior to the removal of any street trees, the Applicant/Property Owner shall <br />obtain the necessary approval from the Public Works Director as required by San Leandro Municipal Code <br />Section 5-2-215, and any necessary encroachment permits from the Engineering and Transportation <br />Department to remove the street trees at the Owner’s expense. <br /> <br />50. Construction Hours and Noise. Construction on the project site shall not commence prior to 7:00 a.m. and <br />shall cease by 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and shall not commence prior to 8 a.m. and shall cease <br />by 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, unless otherwise approved by the Chief Building Official. There shall be no <br />construction on Federal holidays. As provided in this City of San Leandro’s Noise Ordinance (ORDINANCE <br />NO. 2003–005), “construction” shall mean any site preparation, assembly, erection, substantial repair, <br />alteration, demolition or similar action, for or on any private property, public or private right-of-way, <br />streets, structures, utilities, facilities, or other similar property. Construction activities carried on in <br />violation of this Article may be enforced as provided in Section 4-1-1130, and may also be enforced by <br />issuance of a stop work order and/or revocation of any or all permits issued for such construction activity. <br />Prior to the start of construction activities, the construction contractor shall: <br />• Maintain and tune all proposed equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations <br />to minimize noise emission. <br />• Inspect all proposed equipment and fit all equipment with properly operating mufflers, air intake <br />silencers, and engine shrouds that are no less effective than as originally equipped by the <br />manufacturer. <br />• Post a sign, clearly visible at the site, with a contact name and telephone number of the construction <br />manager. <br />• Place stationary construction equipment and material delivery in loading and unloading areas as far as <br />practicable from the residences. <br />• Limit unnecessary engine idling to the extent feasible. <br />• Use smart back-up alarms, which automatically adjust the alarm level based on the background noise <br />level, or switch off back-up alarms and replace with human spotters. <br />• Use low-noise emission equipment. <br />• Limit use of public address systems. <br />• Minimize grade surface irregularities on construction sites. <br /> <br />51. Construction Activity. Construction activity shall not create dust, noise or safety hazards for adjacent <br />businesses and properties. Dirt and mud shall not be tracked onto public streets from the project site <br />during construction. Standard construction dust control procedures, such as wetting, daily road washing <br />and other maintenance functions to control emissions, shall be implemented at all times during outdoor <br />construction. Dust generating activities such as grading, excavation, paving, etc. shall be scheduled the <br />early morning and other hours when wind speeds are low. All construction activities entailing soil <br />disturbance shall cease when winds exceed 30 miles per hour as an hourly average. DRAFT