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10A Public Hearings
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12/26/2023 3:17:10 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Ord 2023-012 Ord 2022- PLN21-0031 Rezoning
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Reso 23-169 Reso 2022 - PLN21-0031 SPR, CUP, Adm Exception
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RESOLUTION NO. 2023-XXX 5 <br />3. BIO-2: A qualified biologist shall survey trees, vegetation, and existing structures with features capable of <br />supporting roosting bats (both maternity and wintering or hibernation roosts) prior to their removal or <br />demolition. Vegetation and existing structures shall be surveyed for bat roosts or evidence of bat roosting <br />(e.g., guano, urine staining and scent, dead bats) no more than 14 days before the start of disturbance, <br />including vegetation removal. If active roosts are discovered, a protection zone of no less than 50 feet around <br />the active roost shall be established by the qualified biologist. Disturbance may occur within the once active <br />roosting ceases, as determined by the qualified biologist. <br /> <br />4. CUL-1: Unanticipated Discovery of Cultural Resources - In the event that archaeological resources are <br />unexpectedly encountered during ground-disturbing activities, work within 50 feet of the find shall halt and an <br />archaeologist meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for archaeology <br />(National Park Service 1983) shall be contacted immediately to evaluate the find. If the resource is determined <br />by the qualified archaeologist to be prehistoric, then a Native American representative shall also be contacted <br />to participate in the evaluation of the resource. If the qualified archaeologist and/or Native American <br />representative determines it to be appropriate, archaeological testing for CRHR eligibility shall be completed. <br />If the resource proves to be eligible for the CRHR and impacts to the resource cannot be avoided via project <br />redesign, a qualified archaeologist shall prepare a data recovery plan tailored to the physical nature and <br />characteristics of the resource, per the requirements of CCR Guidelines Section 15126.4(b)(3)(C). The data <br />recovery plan shall identify data recovery excavation methods, measurable objectives, and data thresholds to <br />reduce any significant impacts to cultural resources related to the resource. Pursuant to the data recovery <br />plan, the qualified archaeologist and Native American representative, as appropriate, shall recover and <br />document the scientifically consequential information that justifies the resource’s significance. The City shall <br />review and approve the treatment plan and archaeological testing as appropriate, and the resulting <br />documentation shall be submitted to the regional repository of the CHRIS, per CCR Guidelines Section <br />15126.4(b)(3)(C). <br /> <br />5. GEO-1: Unanticipated Fossil Discovery - Paleontological Worker Environmental Awareness Program. Prior to <br />the start of construction, a Qualified Professional Paleontologist, as defined by SVP (2010), or their designee <br />shall conduct a paleontological Worker Environmental Awareness Program (WEAP) training for construction <br />personnel regarding the appearance of fossils and the procedures for notifying paleontological staff should <br />fossils be discovered by construction personnel. <br /> <br />Unanticipated Discovery of Paleontological Resources. The project developer shall include a standard <br />inadvertent discovery clause in every construction contract to inform contractors of this requirement. If a <br />potential fossil is discovered during project construction, construction activity within 50 feet of the find shall <br />cease until the discovery is examined by a Qualified Professional Paleontologist. If the find is determined to be <br />significant, the Qualified Professional Paleontologist shall direct all mitigation measures related to <br />paleontological resources consistent with the SVP (2010) standards. <br /> <br />6. HAZ-1: Preparation of a Soil Management Plan - The project applicant shall retain a qualified environmental <br />consultant (Professional Geologist [PG] or Professional Engineer [PE]), to prepare a Soil Management Plan <br />(SMP) prior to construction. The SMP or equivalent document shall be prepared to address onsite handling <br />and management of impacted soils or other impacted wastes, and to reduce hazards to construction workers <br />and offsite receptors during construction. The plans shall establish remedial measures and/or soil <br />management practices to ensure construction worker safety, the health of future workers and visitors, and DRAFT
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