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SAN LEANDRO GENERAL PLAN <br />TRANSPORTATION <br /> <br /> GOALS, POLICIES, AND ACTIONS <br />C OORDINATING L AND USE AND T RANSPORTATION <br />GOAL T-1 Coordinate land use and transportation planning. <br />POLICY T-1.1 Decision Making. Ensure that future land use and <br />development decisions are in balance with the capacity of <br />the City’s transportation system and consistent with the <br />City's goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. <br />POLICY T-1.2 Keeping Pace With Growth. Improve transportation <br />infrastructure at a rate that keeps pace with growth. <br />POLICY T-1.3 Mitigation of Development Impacts. Require <br />developers to address the impacts that their projects will <br />have on the City’s transportation system. A variety of <br />mitigation measures, including impact fees, street <br />improvements, traffic signal and Intelligent <br />Transportation Systems (ITS) improvements, <br />transportation demand management (TDM) measures, <br />and improvement of non-automobile transportation <br />modes, should be considered. <br />Action T-1.3.A: Impact Fee Review <br />Periodically review City transportation impact fees to ensure <br />that they are competitive with the rest of the Bay Area, <br />adequately address local street improvement costs, and are <br />consistent with the policies, maps, and growth forecasts in the <br />General Plan. <br />Action T-1.3.B: Transportation Analysis Requirements <br />Traffic associated with new development may be evaluated <br />through a Local Transportation Impact Analysis for potential <br />effects on access, circulation and congestion. This information <br />will not be used to determine whether an impact is significant <br />for CEQA purposes. <br />Action T-1.3.C: Alternative Mitigation Measures <br />Allow and encourage the use of mitigation measures which <br />achieve outcomes other than increasing roadway capacity, such <br />as the provision of car-sharing vehicles or bicycle lockers on-