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SAN LEANDRO GENERAL PLAN <br />TRANSPORTATION <br />site, transportation demand management programs, and the <br />incorporation of features to support active transportation <br />modes. Such measures are particularly encouraged when <br />increases to roadway capacity would impede pedestrian or <br />bicycle movement, eliminate a bus stop, adversely affect nearby <br />structures, or increase traffic volumes on residential streets. <br /> See also Action T-5.2.A on Level of Service <br />Policy T-1.4 Transit Oriented Development. Ensure that properties <br />adjacent to the City’s BART stations and along heavily <br />used public transit routes are developed in a way that <br />maximizes the potential for transit use and reduces <br />dependence on single-occupancy vehicles. Such <br />development should be of particularly high quality, <br />include open space and other amenities, and respect the <br />scale and character of nearby neighborhoods. <br />Action T-1.4.A: BART Station Area Recommendations <br />Implement the land use and transportation recommendations <br />identified in the Downtown Transit Oriented Development <br />(TOD) Strategy (as amended pursuant to Action 6.01-B of the <br />Land Use Element), the East 14th Street South Area <br />Development Strategy, and the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan, <br />once it is adopted. <br />Action T-1.4.B: Minimum Density and Intensity Standards <br /> <br />Adopt and maintain minimum density and intensity zoning <br />provisions for sites near the Downtown and Bay Fair BART <br />stations, in Downtown San Leandro, and along the East 14th <br />Street transit corridor. <br />Action T-1.4.C: Evaluation of Transit Needs in New <br />Development <br />Evaluate the need for public transit as part of the development <br />review process, both for new projects and for re-use or <br />redevelopment projects. <br />