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___________________________________ <br />Citizen Participation Plan <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 9 of 11 <br />2. Public Hearing to Approve the Substantial Amendment(s): A public hearing to consider <br />the Substantial Amendments will be held as described in Section 5.0. The final <br />amended Plan will include public comments received. <br /> <br />3. Submission: The Substantial Amendment(s) will then be submitted in IDIS as well as to <br />the City’s HUD Representative. Copies of the amended Plan(s) will be made available <br />on the City Department webpage. <br /> <br />4. Expedited Public Noticing and Comment: In the event of an unforeseen and <br />unpreventable event that requires timely action, the City, upon HUD direction, may <br />reduce the public notice and comment period. <br /> <br />6.4 The Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) <br />6.4.1 GENERAL INFORMATION: Every year, the City must send HUD a Consolidated <br />Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) within 90 days of the close of the <br />program year. The CAPER outlines how funds were actually used and the extent to <br />which these funds were utilized for activities benefiting very low-, low- and moderate- <br />income groups. The CAPER also provides a narrative on progress towards meeting the <br />goals set forth in the Five-Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan, comparing <br />actual accomplishments to planned actions, and assessing the City’s overall <br />performance. <br /> <br />6.4.2 THE PROCESS: <br />1. Public Notice: A public notice shall be published at least 10 calendar days prior to the <br />scheduled date for the presentation of the CAPER at a public hearing. The notice shall <br />be published in accordance with the requirements in Section 3.0 and contain the date, <br />time and location of the public hearing. The notice shall indicate that the CAPER is <br />available for review and comment for at least a period of 15 days, clearly stating the <br />start and end date for the comment period. Copies will be made available to the public <br />upon request and a copy of the proposed CAPER shall be available on the <br />Department’s web page. Copies will also be made available in a format accessible to <br />persons with disabilities, upon request. <br />2. Public Hearing: A public hearing to review the proposed CAPER will be held on a date <br />announced in the notice published in the newspaper as well as on the City’s website. <br />Section 5.0 describes the public hearing requirements. All comments received will be <br />taken into consideration. The approved CAPER shall include a summary of public <br />comments. <br /> <br />3. The CAPER will be submitted in IDIS every year by September 30. If requested by the <br />HOME Consortium, a copy will also be submitted to the County of Alameda. Copies of <br />the CAPER will be made available to the public at locations listed in Section 4.0. <br /> <br />4. Performance Reporting Deadline Extensions: It may be necessary to delay the submittal <br />of the CAPER in the event of an unforeseen and unpreventable event. Under the <br />authority of section 24 CFR 91.520(a), the City is required to submit the CAPER to HUD <br />within 90 days after the close of the City’s program year on June 30. Under the authority