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___________________________________ <br />Citizen Participation Plan <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 8 of 11 <br /> <br />8. Expedited Public Noticing and Comment: In the event of an unforeseen and <br />unpreventable event that requires timely action, the City, upon HUD direction, may <br />reduce the public notice and comment period. <br /> <br />6.3 Substantial Amendments to the Five-Year Consolidated Plan and the Annual <br />Action Plans <br />6.3.1 GENERAL INFORMATION: Throughout the term of the Five-Year Consolidated Plan <br />and the Annual Action Planning periods, these documents may be amended to add or <br />delete action items or objectives. These documents must be amended through the <br />Citizen Participation process if any changes meet the definition of “Substantial Change”. <br /> <br />Substantial Change for the Consolidated Plan is defined as: <br /> The deletion or addition of an objective, program or project, or any changes to the <br />Priority Needs Summary Table. <br /> <br />Substantial Change for the Annual Action Plan is defined as: <br /> Addition of a new project or an activity not described in the Annual Action Plan <br /> Elimination of an existing activity described in the Annual Action Plan <br /> Change in the funding amount for a project or activity by 50% or more <br /> Change in the purpose or scope of a project or an activity to the extent that it would be <br />considered a new project or an activity <br /> Change in the location of the project or activity <br /> A change in more than 50% of the original beneficiaries <br /> <br />These Substantial Amendments are subject to the citizen participation process in <br />accordance with this CPP. The Substantial Amendment(s) must be available to the <br />public for comment, through a process described below. <br /> <br />6.3.2 THE PROCESS <br />1. Public Comment Period and Public Notice: Presentation of the Substantial <br />Amendment(s) made to either the Five-Year Consolidated Plan or the Annual Action <br />Plans require advance notice to the public. A summary of the Substantial <br />Amendment(s) will be published as described in Section 3.0 within at least a period of <br />30 days before the Substantial Amendment is implemented. The publication should <br />clearly state the start and end date for the comment period. The publication shall also <br />include a list of locations, as stated in Section 4.0, where a list of the Substantial <br />Amendments will be available to the public for comment. Free copies will be made <br />available to the public upon request. Copies will also be made available in a format <br />accessible to persons with disabilities, upon request. The notice will include the date, <br />time and location of the public meeting when the Substantial Amendments will be <br />approved. <br />