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Last modified
3/22/2024 4:35:55 PM
Creation date
3/14/2024 2:34:06 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
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Reso 2024-022 Eden Road MOU
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<br />EDEN ROAD PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT Page 6 of 11 <br />Furthermore, Eden Road shall be maintained at a Pavement Condition Index (“PCI”) level of <br />65 or greater, in perpetuity. Owners commit to making available to the City of San Leandro <br />upon request and not more frequently than on an annual basis reports prepared by a third-party <br />with relevant expertise affirming the PCI rating. To the extent the condition of the road is ever <br />determined to have degraded below a PCI of 65, Applicant acknowledges that it shall be deemed <br />to have violated the terms of this agreement and with the anticipated terms of its Conditional <br />Use Permit, which could result in the rescission of the aforementioned Conditional Use Permit <br />#PLN21-0027. <br />6 (a). City Contribution Towards Road Maintenance Costs. As a result of the public benefits <br />derived from retaining access rights across the PUE, City agrees to reimburse the Owner of <br />Eden Road towards 10% of the long-term maintenance costs of the road. Owner shall provide <br />a minimum of 30-days advance notice to the City of any prospective maintenance work for the <br />City’s review and approval prior to the commencement of any such maintenance work, and <br />receipts shall be submitted to the City for reimbursement of 10% of those costs once such work <br />is completed. Owner shall be responsible for ensuring any such work complies with relevant <br />public contracting code and/or prevailing wage requirements and shall defend and indemnify <br />the City in the event of any legal challenges directly stemming from such maintenance activities. <br />To the extent any future damage to the road following completion of the project can be clearly <br />identified as being caused from the operations of any particular party with frontage or access <br />rights across Eden Road, then that party shall be exclusively responsible for all costs associated <br />with repairing said damaged sections of the road. <br /> <br /> <br />7. Soil Testing: As a privately owned road purchased as-is, where-is, the Owner and/or <br />Applicant will be allowed to test the soil to determine its makeup for disposal purposes. <br /> <br />8. Utility Lines: City will be responsible for any City utility lines that existed on Eden Road <br />prior to the start of construction of this Project, including a sewage line (“Existing Line(s)”). If <br />the City determines there is a need for any repair or replacement of Existing Lines or if a need <br />for new City utility line(s) occurs in the future, it shall be the City’s sole responsibility and cost <br />to conduct such repair, replacement, or installation of such utility line(s) or related infrastructure, <br />and the City shall repair any damage to Eden Road caused by said work, including restoring the
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