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File Number: 24-074 <br />·On March 3, 2008, by Resolution No. 2008-022, the City Council approved an agreement <br />with Keir and Wright for design of the Eden Road project. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·“As funding becomes available, complete the Eden Road improvement project including <br />paving and sidewalk improvements.” <br />·“Improve Eden Road/West Davis area in a manner that attracts higher value industrial land <br />uses and improves the appearance and image of this area. This should include paving of <br />Eden Road and frontage improvements on adjacent properties.” <br />Environmental Review <br />The Eden Road project was determined to be categorically exempt from CEQA as an existing <br />facility, per CCR 14 Sec. 15301(c). <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />No impact to the General Fund. <br />The Eden Road project will cost approximately $5,000,000 including design and construction. <br />Under the terms of the proposed MOU, all costs of funding the project will be borne by the private <br />parties that are signatories to the MOU. In exchange for an easement that would ensure public <br />and emergency access rights across the entire length of Eden Road, the City will pay the project <br />applicants a total of $3 million in two tranches. The first payment of $1 million will be derived using <br />funds from the existing, previously appropriated Capital Improvement Program project account. <br />The second payment of $2 million will be derived from the WPCP Enterprise fund, in exchange for <br />the WPCP’s exclusive access rights for 2512 Davis Street. <br />Budget Authority <br />Eden Road: <br />Account No.Reso., Appropriation Dates & Source Amount <br />210-38-900 Reso 2016-002 SA $1,000,000 <br />Account No.Reso., Appropriation Dates & Source Amount <br />WPCP Enterprise Fund 593 $2,000,000 <br />Attachments to Related Legislative File <br />·Attachment A - Resolution <br />·Attachment B - MOU <br />·Attachment C - Exhibit (project site plan) <br />PREPARED BY: Eric Engelbart, Deputy City Manager, City Manager’s Department <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/14/2024