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3/22/2024 4:35:55 PM
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3/14/2024 2:34:06 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2024-022 Eden Road MOU
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File Number: 24-074 <br />land uses and improves the appearance and image of this area. This should include <br />paving of Eden Road and frontage improvements on adjacent properties.” <br />As part of its efforts to achieve these goals, the City explored various concept proposals to <br />facilitate the construction of the road, which is believed to be the last municipally-owned unpaved <br />road in Alameda County. As part of a previous project iteration that envisioned connecting Eden <br />Road to Davis Street via a new perpendicular road segment, the City acquired a nearby property, <br />2512 Davis Street. After the acquisition of this property, the City later determined that connecting <br />Eden Road to Davis Street could create significant challenges such that the perpendicular project <br />design element was eliminated. <br />The City-owned property at 2512 Davis Street is located immediately adjacent to the City’s Water <br />Pollution Control Plant (WPCP). Due to new and emerging state and regional water quality control <br />regulations, the WPCP is concurrently facing the need to acquire additional lands in order to <br />facilitate an expanded operational footprint. The acquisition of 2512 Davis Street for the WPCP’s <br />exclusive use using money derived from the WPCP Enterprise Fund would provide an opportunity <br />to achieve this goal. <br />In an effort to achieve the City’s codified goals referenced above, for the past several years the <br />City of San Leandro has engaged in active negotiations with Alco Iron & Metals, and the parties <br />have now reached consensus on a proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that would <br />facilitate the project and be of direct benefit to the San Leandro community and adjacent property <br />owners. The key provisions of the MOU are as follows: <br />·Alco Metals develops and submits an application for construction of Eden Road. <br />·City processes grading permit to ensure conformity with codes and regulations. <br />·Alco Metals provides a public access & services easement. <br />·Alco Metals submits surety bond or letter of credit to guarantee project completion. <br />·City sells unpaved Eden Rd to Alco Metals for $1.00 “as-is, where-is”. <br />·Following completion of the above, City transfers $1M from Eden Road project. account in <br />the Capital Fund to Alco Metals. <br />·Alco Metals builds the road in compliance with City standards and passing of inspections <br />(Alco Metals to pay all inspection fees). <br />·To off-set purchase price of 2512 Davis Street, WPCP transfers $2M in enterprise funds <br />to General Fund, which will then be appropriated to the Eden Road project account in the <br />Capital Fund. <br />·WPCP takes control of 2512 Davis Street. <br />·City transfers $2M from the Eden Road project account in the Capital Fund to Alco Metals <br />for public & emergency access rights. <br />·WPCP Enterprise Fund to reimburse Alco Metals towards 10% of future ongoing <br />maintenance costs to ensure WPCP emergency access/egress. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure. <br />Previous Actions <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/14/2024
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