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<br />Amendment No. 2 to Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and BKF Engineers for <br />Shoreline Park at the Marina <br /> Page 4 of 8 <br /> Attend and provide technical support at the City’s Recreation and Park Commission. Meeting may <br />be in person or via video conferencing software. <br /> Compile notes on input received at commission meeting. <br /> <br />Deliverable: Presentation (Power Point); Colored site plans, photo simulations, presentation boards, <br />electronic file (if meetings are in person). Revised presentation for Commission (Power Point) <br /> <br />Task 5: Develop 30% Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) <br /> Evaluate protection of the outboard and inboard jetty surfaces independently, propose treatment <br />for inboard surfaces if armor isn’t required. <br /> Evaluate extent and cost of any needed jetty stabilization. <br /> Develop plans such that they show extent and character of improvements as well as conceptual <br />solutions for unusual conditions or features. <br /> Include plans showing limits of demolition, pedestrian circulation, lighting layout, Bay Trail sections, <br />programing of the spaces, and elements or structures to create the spaces. <br /> Include a palette of site materials, wall types, site furniture, furnishings, lighting fixtures, and plants. <br /> Prepare a list of technical specification sections required to construct the work. <br /> Prepare an itemized engineers cost estimate. <br /> Submit check set of PS&E for review. <br /> Meet with City to review check set. <br /> Incorporate comments into final set of 30% PS&E. <br /> <br />Task 5.1: Additional cost estimating <br />Update estimates to split costs between City and Developer responsibilities. <br /> <br />Deliverable: Check set Plans (PDF); Final set plans (PDF and Autocad compatible files); Specifications <br />(PDF); Estimate (Excel compatible files); Schedule (Microsoft Project file) <br /> <br />Task 6: Design Approval and Refinement <br /> Prepare documents for submittal to BCDC staff and BCDC d esign review board. <br /> Submit package to BCDC staff for review in advance of BCDC design review board. <br /> Meet with BCDC staff to review design and receive comments. <br /> Prepare presentation materials for presentation to City Council. <br /> Attend and provide technical support at City Council (work session) meeting. Meeting may be in <br />person or via video conferencing software. <br /> Compile notes on input received at council meeting. <br /> Meet with City to discuss input received from BCDC and City Council. <br /> Refine design as needed to incorporate input. <br /> Submit package to BCDC staff for second review. <br /> Submit package and present project to BCDC design review board. <br /> Compile notes on input received from BCDC design review board. <br /> Meet with City to review input received. <br /> Update BCDC plans to address input for final (3rd) submittal. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: B8CF9BF8-B13F-4598-8569-6EF1E405AD20DocuSign Envelope ID: 8072AF55-5E04-4E15-BB69-8A23564F49F9