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EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and 9/1/2023 <br />W-Trans for Citywide Engineering and Traffic Survey Page 1 of 3 <br />1.0 Project Initiation <br />1.1 The project manager will host a conference call with City staff to review the most recent surveys and <br />discuss the project schedule, any changes in traffic patterns, road geometrics or other conditions which <br />might affect the new surveys, as well as any future plans to modify roadway characteristics. <br />1.2 Any roadway segment that has not undergone significant changes since the last evaluation may be <br />eligible for an extension of the certified Engineering and Traffic Survey. Previous Engineering and Traffic <br />Surveys will be reviewed and a list of roadway segments eligible for extension will be developed in <br />accordance with the criteria described in Section 40802 of the California Vehicle Code. <br />1.3 The street segments will be reviewed to determine each roadway’s functional classification per the <br />California Road System Map to ensure that the City is not including street segments for which a survey <br />is not necessary. If any segments that can be radar-surveyed as a local street at 25 mph are identified, <br />this information will be provided to the City for a determination as to whether to survey them or not. In <br />this case, a form will be prepared that details the conditions that make the street a local street for which <br />the speed limit can be radar-enforced without a survey. <br />1.4 The project engineer (a registered engineer) will drive all the road segments to look for those elements <br />that might affect the safe and reasonable speed for the roadway but that might not be obvious to the <br />casual observer. The field visit will also confirm roadway characteristics such as lane configuration, <br />existence or lack of a sidewalk, parking conditions, bicycle facilities and behavior; adjacent land uses, <br />terrain, general adequacy of stopping sight distance, driveway characteristics, intersection spacing and <br />offsets, etc. can be reviewed and documented by support staff. <br />2.0 Data Collection <br />2.1 Locations for conducting the speed surveys will be chosen such that the prevailing speeds should be <br />representative of the entire speed zone and that have minimal impact from traffic signals or stop signs. <br />Prior to the data collection effort, City staff will be asked to review and approve locations for each radar <br />survey and machine count. <br />2.2 Bi-directional machine traffic volume counts will be provided by the City for every segment. However, this <br />data may not be current, and it may be necessary to gather new more recent data. For planning purposes <br />it was assumed that daily traffic counts will need to be obtained at 70 locations. New traffic volume counts <br />will be obtained for a period of not less than 24 hours for up to 70 street segments (only if none of the <br />data provided by the City is adequately current). These volumes will be collected on weekdays while <br />local schools are in session, avoiding holidays and construction activity or local special events. <br />2.3 Bi-directional radar speed surveys will be performed using fully calibrated hand-held radar guns during <br />off-peak periods, avoiding the morning (7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.) and afternoon/evening (3:00 p.m. to 7:00 <br />p.m.) traffic peaks. A minimum of 100 vehicles will be sampled for each roadway segment using standard <br />data collection techniques; for lower volume streets (if there are any) a 3-hour survey is proposed with <br />the total number surveyed to be at least 50 vehicles. The radar speed survey shall include only free- <br />flowing vehicles in the traffic stream. Radar speed surveys will be collected from an unmarked vehicle <br />located in an inconspicuous place along the roadway. Radar or other qualified electronic speed <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: BA6C6FBE-609E-4FB3-8091-23FE1499D375DocuSign Envelope ID: 84D8FA5C-E86B-4E86-AEA9-E911515C68C2