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Reso 2024-030 Intent to Initiate Prop 218 Proceedings (Stormwater Fee)
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2024-030 Intent to Initiate Prop 218 Proceedings (Stormwater Fee)
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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2024-030 <br /> <br /> RESOLUTION DECLARING INTENTION TO INITIATE A PROCEEDING TO OBTAIN APPROVAL <br /> OF AN AMENDMENT OF THE CITY’S STORMWATER FEE, A PROPERTY-RELATED FEE CONFORMING TO <br />ARTICLE XIII D, SECTION 6 OF THE STATE CONSTITUTION <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro is ini�a�ng an amendment to the exis�ng Stormwater Fee; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City maintains and manages a municipal storm drainage system that includes capital <br />improvements, maintenance and opera�ons, and ac�vi�es to ensure compliance with all state and federal regula�ons <br />associated with the Na�onal Pollutant Discharge Elimina�on System (“NPDES”); and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City’s comprehensive storm drainage system includes man-made drainage elements such as curbs <br />and guters, ditches, culverts, pipelines, manholes, catch basins (inlets), and ou�all structures in addi�on to the City’s <br />natural creek system that serves as an integral part of the system; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City, through its storm drainage system, provides stormwater services (“Services”) that include, <br />but are not limited to, collec�ng, conveying, and managing stormwater runoff from proper�es within the City; and <br />WHEREAS the Alameda County Flood Control District (ACFCD) is a partner in managing local flood control issues <br />as many of the City’s storm drainage systems discharge into ACFCD-owned and/or managed facili�es; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the exis�ng Stormwater Fee generates approximately $1.1 million annually and has not increased <br />since its adop�on in 1993; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the exis�ng Stormwater Fee’s purchasing power has decreased over the past 30 years by greater than <br />half and over that same period, clean water regula�ons have increased with more mandates that require addi�onal <br />investment, repair, and maintenance of the system to address recurring flooding and capacity issues and to plan for <br />future climate adapta�on; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Stormwater Fee does not provide adequate funding to pay for all of the City’s storm drainage <br />system needs. In order to finance these needs the City would need to amend the Stormwater Fee in compliance with <br />Ar�cle XIII D, Sec�on 6 of the Cons�tu�on, which would require a ballot proceeding; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City Council authorized Schaaf & Wheeler to complete a Storm Drain Master Plan (SDMP) to map <br />the City’s storm drainage system, evaluate flood risks, recommend ac�ons and priori�ze capital projects needed to <br />maintain the stormwater system and meet Clean Water regula�ons. The SDMP iden�fied an approximately $4.8 million <br />annual revenue need to fund clean water, flood protec�on, and stormwater system opera�ng and capital improvement <br />costs; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City Council authorized HF&H Consultants LLC to assist with the Proposi�on 218 no�cing and <br />ballo�ng process, to perform a rate study, and to dra� a Stormwater Fee Report (“Fee Report”) to determine the amount <br />of the fees on various parcels of land that would, in compliance with Ar�cle XIII D, Sec�on 6 of the Cons�tu�on, finance <br />certain capital improvements, opera�ons and maintenance needs and NPDES clean water compliance needs; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Fee Report includes a rate op�on to generate $3.2 million in Stormwater Fee revenue to fund <br />annual costs and the very high and high priority capital improvement projects and while this op�on would not provide <br />full funding of the system’s needs, it would ensure that the highest priority projects are addressed. Another amendment
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