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RESOLUTION NO. 2024-031 2 <br />iii. Schedule of proposed Fees; <br />iv. Reserved; <br />v. The basis upon which the amount of the proposed Fee was calculated; <br />vi. A summary of the procedures for the comple�on, return, and tabula�on of the ballots; <br />vii. A statement that the failure to receive a majority of ballots in support of the proposed Fee will result <br />in the Fee not being imposed; <br />viii. On the face of the envelope in which the no�ce of elec�on and ballot are mailed, there shall appear <br />in substan�ally the following form in no smaller than 16-point bold type: “OFFICIAL BALLOT <br />ENCLOSED”; and <br />ix. The ballot shall include the City’s address for return of the ballot, the date and loca�on where the <br />ballots will be tabulated, and a place where the person returning it may indicate his or her name, a <br />reasonable iden�fica�on of the parcel, and his or her support or opposi�on to the proposed Fee. <br />4. Failure of any person to receive a ballot(s) shall not invalidate the proceedings. <br />5. All ballots must be returned either by mail or by hand delivery not later than the date for return of <br />ballots stated on the ballot described in this sec�on. Mailed ballots must be returned to the City Clerk at <br />the address shown on the ballot and pre-printed on the ballot return envelope. Hand delivered ballots <br />must be returned to the City Clerk, at City Hall, 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, CA 94577. <br />6. Each ballot must be signed under penalty of perjury. <br />7. Only one vote will be counted per parcel. If more than one vote per parcel is submited, then only the <br />ballot with the most recent date will be counted and any previous votes submited for the same parcel <br />will not be accepted or counted. If more than one vote per parcel is submited and the ballots for that <br />parcel are not dated, the replacement ballot will be counted and any other votes for the same parcel will <br />not be accepted or counted. <br />8. The City will only accept official ballots issued by the City. If a ballot is lost, withdrawn, destroyed, or <br />never received, the City will mail or otherwise provide a replacement ballot to the owner upon receipt of <br />a request delivered to the City. The replacement ballot will be marked to iden�fy it as a replacement <br />ballot. Any request for a replacement ballot to be mailed to another loca�on must include evidence, <br />sa�sfactory to the City, of the iden�ty of the person reques�ng the ballot. The same procedure applies <br />to replacement ballots which are lost, withdrawn, destroyed, or never received. <br />10. If a Stormwater Fee Amendment ballot is returned by the United States Post Office as undeliverable, the <br />City may mail a redelivered ballot to the current property owner, if updated ownership and/or owner <br />mailing address can be determined. The redelivered ballot will be marked to iden�fy it as a replacement <br />ballot. <br />11. A property-related fee ballot is a disclosable “public record” as that phrase is defined by Government <br />Code §7920.530 during and a�er tabula�on of the ballots. <br />12. To complete a Stormwater Fee Amendment ballot, the owner of the parcel or his or her authorized <br />representa�ve must (1) mark the appropriate box suppor�ng or opposing the proposed Stormwater Fee <br />Amendment, and (2) sign, under penalty of perjury, the statement on the ballot that the person <br />comple�ng the ballot is the owner of the parcel or the owner's authorized representa�ve. Only one box <br />may be stamped or marked on each ballot. All substan�ally incomplete or improperly marked ballots <br />shall be disqualified from the tabula�on. The Tabulator will retain all such invalid ballots.