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Reso 2024-031 Balloting Procedures for Stormwater Fee
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2024-031 Balloting Procedures for Stormwater Fee
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4/19/2024 8:47:48 AM
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4/19/2024 8:47:47 AM
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RESOLUTION NO. 2024-031 3 <br />13. A�er returning a Stormwater Fee Amendment ballot to the City Clerk, the person who signed the ballot <br />may withdraw the ballot by submi�ng a writen statement to the City direc�ng the City to withdraw the <br />ballot. Such statement must be received by the City prior to the close of the ballo�ng period. When <br />ballots for the Stormwater Fee Amendment are tabulated, the City Clerk will segregate withdrawn <br />ballots from all other returned ballots. The City will retain all withdrawn ballots and will indicate on the <br />face of such withdrawn ballots that they have been withdrawn. <br />14. In order to change the contents of a ballot that has been submited, the person who has signed that <br />ballot may (1) request that such ballot be withdrawn, (2) request that a replacement ballot be issued, <br />and (3) return the replacement ballot fully completed. Each of these steps must be completed according <br />to the procedures set forth above. <br />C. Tabula�ng Ballots. The following guidelines shall apply to tabula�ng Stormwater Fee Amendment ballots: <br />1. Stormwater Fee Amendment ballots shall remain sealed un�l tabula�on commences a�er the conclusion <br />of the ballo�ng period. <br />2. The ballots shall be tabulated in a loca�on accessible to the public. <br />3. The City Clerk shall oversee the tabula�on of the Stormwater Fee Amendment ballots, and may be <br />assisted by technical staff from a third party. The City Clerk shall follow the rules and procedures of the <br />laws of the State of California, this resolu�on and any other rules and procedures of the Council or the <br />City. All ballots shall be accepted as valid and shall be counted except those in the following categories: <br />i. A photocopy of a ballot, a leter or other form of a ballot that is not an official ballot issued by the <br />City or on behalf of the City; <br />ii. An unsigned ballot, or ballot signed by an unauthorized individual; <br />iii. A ballot which lacks an iden�fiable mark in the box for a “yes” or “no” vote or with more than one <br />box marked; <br />iv. A ballot which appears tampered with or otherwise invalid based upon its appearance or method of <br />delivery or other circumstances; <br />v. A ballot for which the parcel number is damaged or obstructed, unless the parcel number or <br />property ownership informa�on is legible and allows the Tabulator to clearly determine the <br />property(s) iden�fied on the ballot; <br />vi. A ballot received by the City Clerk a�er the close of the ballo�ng �me period; and <br />vii. A ballot which has been withdrawn, or a ballot for a parcel for which a later (or replacement) ballot <br />has been counted. <br />4. The City Clerk’s decision shall be final and may not be appealed to the City. <br />5. In the event of a dispute regarding whether the signer of a ballot is the owner of the parcel to which the <br />ballot applies, the City will make such determina�on from the official County Assessor records and any <br />evidence of ownership submited to the City prior to the conclusion of the ballo�ng period. The City will <br />be under no duty to obtain or consider any other evidence as to ownership of property and its <br />determina�on of ownership will be final and conclusive. <br />6. In the event of a dispute regarding whether the signer of a ballot is an authorized representa�ve of the <br />owner of the parcel, the City may rely on the statement on the ballot signed under penalty of perjury <br />that the person comple�ng the ballot is the owner's authorized representa�ve, and any evidence <br />submited to the City prior to the conclusion of the ballo�ng period. The City will be under no duty to
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