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RESOLUTION NO. 2024-031 4 <br />obtain or consider any other evidence as to whether the signer of the ballot is an authorized <br />representa�ve of the owner and its determina�on will be final and conclusive. <br />7. A property owner who has submited a Stormwater Fee Amendment ballot may withdraw the ballot and <br />submit a new or changed ballot up un�l the conclusion of the ballo�ng period. <br />8. A property owner’s failure to receive a Stormwater Fee Amendment ballot shall not invalidate the <br />proceedings conducted under this sec�on and Ar�cle XIII D, Sec�on 6 of the California Cons�tu�on. <br />9. The City shall retain all Stormwater Fee Amendment ballots for a period of two (2) years from the date of <br />the close of the ballo�ng period. <br />10. The period of �me in which ballots may be submited (ballo�ng period) shall end at 5:00 p.m. on the <br />closing date of the ballo�ng. All Stormwater Fee Amendment ballots must be received by this date and <br />�me to be tabulated. <br />11. A�er the conclusion of the ballo�ng period, the Tabulator shall tabulate the ballots at the direc�on of <br />the City Council. <br />12. The ballot tabula�on may be con�nued to a different �me or different loca�on accessible to the public, <br />provided that the �me and loca�on are announced at the loca�on at which the tabula�on commenced <br />and posted by the City in a loca�on accessible to the public. The City Clerk may use technological <br />methods to tabulate the ballots, including, but not limited to, punch card or op�cally readable (bar- <br />coded) ballots. <br />13. Each ballot shall count for as many votes as there are parcels with a fee greater than zero listed on that <br />ballot. If, according to the final tabula�on of the ballots, votes submited against the Stormwater Fee <br />Amendment exceed the votes submited in favor of the Stormwater Fee Amendment, the City Council <br />shall not impose the Stormwater Fee Amendment. <br />Introduced by Councilmember Aguilar and passed and adopted this 2nd day of April 2024 by the following vote: <br /> <br />AYES: Councilmembers Aguilar, Azevedo, Ballew, Bowen, Simon, Viveros-Walton, and Mayor González (7) <br /> <br />NOES: None (0) <br /> <br />ABSENT: None (0) <br /> <br /> <br />ATTEST: _________________________________ <br /> Kelly B. Clancy, CMC <br /> City Clerk <br /> <br />