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Sheet No:of DAF No:UNIT QUANTITYUNIT PRICE COST UNIT QUANTITYUNIT PRICE COSTEA1 80,000$ 80,000$ -$ SF 33500 15$ 502,500$ Temporary Construction Easement (TCE) SF 36400 10$ 364,000$ LS 1 111,000$ 111,000$ LS 153,000$ 53,000$ LF 80 30$ 2,400$ LF 8030$ 2,400$ EA 1 3,000$ 3,000$ EA 13,000$ 3,000$ LF 50 78$ 3,900$ LF 5078$ 3,900$ SY 1425 45$ 64,125$ SY 20040$ 8,000$ CY 956 500$ 478,000$ CY -$ Benched Embankment Backfill CY 6222 500$ 3,111,000$ CYSY 2333 45$ 104,985$ SY -$ SY 1425 5$ 7,125$ SYCYCY 193200$ 38,600$ CYCY 21 260$ 5,460$ LFLF 154 290$ 44,660$ LFLF 140 920$ 128,800$ LFLF 350 148$ 51,800$ LFLF 294 330$ 97,020$ SFSF 309 105$ 32,445$ SYSY 48 112$ 5,376$ EA 1 4,200$ 4,200$ EA 1 4,200$ 4,200$ LF 70 210$ 14,700$ LF 70 210$ 14,700$ CYCY 5 650$ 3,250$ CYCY 228 180$ 41,040$ LF 80 270$ 21,600$ LF 80 270$ 21,600$ TN 120 120$ 14,400$ TN 120 290$ 34,800$ LF 350 2$ 700$ LF 350 2$ 700$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TOTAL 4,887,635$ 594,751$ 50,000$ 90,000$ 40,000$ (4,292,884)$ -0.01HydroseedMetal Beam GuardrailingPermanent EasementMobilization ExcavationGeosynthetic FabricHDPE DowndrainRock Slope Protection Class IIClass 2 Aggregate BasePavement StripingHot Mix Asphalt24" Cast-In-Drilled-Hole Concrete (Soldier Pile)Structural Concrete LaggingConcrete Drain InletGeocomposite DrainITEMREPAIR IN-KIND REPAIR WITH BETTERMENTDescription: Site A Reconstruct an 80 feet high hillside embankment Description:Site A Install approximately 78 linear feet of retaining structure U.S. Department of TransportationFederal Highway Department - California Division - Title 23 - Emergency Relief LTP - SLN - 001-Betterment Justification Form (DAF)Environmental Review (proximity to creek)Clearing and GrubbingRemove Metal Beam GuardrailingRemove Concrete Drainage Inlet and SwaleRemove DowndrainExcavation (Roadway)Excavation (Structure - Pile Base)24"Cast-in-Drilled Hole24" Cast-In-Drilled-Hole (Rock Socket)Steel Soldier PileCost to repair damage in the future (with betterment)Minor repairs/maintenance. Annual monitoring and cleaning of drainage system over a 50 year period.BENEFIT / COST (A Benefit-Cost Ratio of less than 1.00 doesn't necessarily mean automatic rejection. If the Benefit-Cost Ratio is less than 1.00, a justification should be provided in the REMARKS section (provide additional pages, if necessary.)REMARKSBetterment is less expensive than Repair In Kind, formula in cell K44 is not applicable. Repair In-Kind is more costly and access is extremely difficult. Repair in kind will require acquisition of an easement and will require extensive regulatory consultation and permitting due (predominantly) to proximity to the creek.Cost to repair damage in the future (without betterment)Standard repairs/maintenance. Annual monitoring and cleaning of drainage system over a 50 year period. Monitoring and spot re-applications of hydroseedingBENEFIT(Difference in future repair costs over equal life.)COST(Additional cost to repair the site as a result of adding the betterment.)