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File Number: 24-022 <br />pedestrians are permitted to use the roadway. <br />Given the urgency posed by the erosion below the two properties, repair plans for location B were <br />promptly developed. Grant applications were submitted to the Federal Emergency Management <br />Agency (FEMA) with an aggressive schedule aiming to complete repairs to location B before the <br />2023 winter rainy season contingent upon grant funding authorization. <br />Initially, it was anticipated that FEMA would provide grant funding for the Lake Chabot Road <br />repairs. However, after FEMA representatives assessed the site and evaluated the scope of the <br />damages, it was determined that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) was the <br />appropriate federal agency for the emergency funding. An application was then submitted to <br />FHWA’s Emergency Relief Program, resulting in approved funding in the amount of $2,365,453. <br />Analysis <br />Due to the erosion damage affecting a qualifying roadway, a Damage Assessment Form <br />detailing estimated repair costs was submitted to CalTrans, which serves as the local <br />administrator for FHWA. FHWA subsequently authorized an Emergency Relief Grant in the <br />amount of $2,365,453, with FHWA covering 88.53% ($2,094,125), and the City being <br />responsible for the remaining match of 11.47% ($271,318). <br />Although FHWA has approved repair funds and authorized commencement of design work, <br />federal funding is not currently available. However, Caltrans has allowed the work to proceed with <br />the use of the State’s Advanced Construction (AC) funds. When federal funds become available, <br />the AC funds will automatically be converted to federal funds. At that time, FHWA will issue a <br />Project Specific Supplemental Agreement for the City’s execution. <br />As the proposed repairs will involve enhancements that go beyond the original pre-storm <br />condition, the project must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy T5.3 Maintenance (Streets and highways). Regularly maintain City streets and <br />traffic control devices to ensure that streets operate safely and efficiently. <br />·GOAL EH-1 (Environmental Hazards). Reduce the potential for injury, property <br />damage, and loss of life resulting from earthquakes, landslides, floods, and other natural <br />disasters. <br />·Policy EH-1.3 (Environmental Hazards). Off-Site Impacts of Hillside Development. <br />Ensure that development within landslide-prone or geologically hazardous areas does not <br />contribute to higher hazard levels on adjacent or nearby properties. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/19/2024