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<br /> <br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised 12/21/22 <br />Kodama Diseno, Inc. for On-Call Design Assistance Services Exhibit A – Page 1 of 2 <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br /> <br />Contractor (Architect) will provide the following services for each individual commercial improvement <br />project. Agreement will include multiple projects: <br /> <br />Project Specific Design Work <br />The architectural firms selected through this RFP will provide on-call design services to specific <br />applicants as requested by City. <br /> <br />For each project, the Contractor will work directly with the property and business owner to design <br />improvements which are consistent with the Downtown San Leandro Design Guidelines or other <br />applicable guidelines, and are compatible with the particular area, building, and/or retail space, and <br />within the project budget, according to the following procedure. The amount of time and funds to be <br />spent on each project will be established by the project Contractor and the City staff after Meeting One. <br />If the amount of time and funds to be spent on each project is more than the annual not to exceed budget, <br />the Contractor with City Staff shall review and reduce the scope of work and responsibility to be provided <br />by the Contractor to be within the annual budget. Contractor shall submit an accurate estimate for <br />completing conceptual design work, an initial timeline that will be revised as the project progresses, along <br />with a list of proposed improvements. After review of the estimate, the City will issue a Notice to Proceed <br />with Conceptual Drawings for the agreed upon scope and cost. Clients which exceed or are expected to <br />exceed the agreed-to-amount for the project will be offered the opportunity to enter into a direct agreement <br />with Kodama Diseno Architects to complete the project. <br /> <br />a. Meeting One: The Contractor will attend a meeting with City staff and the applicant to <br />discuss the scope of façade/tenant improvements and provide a rough estimate of costs <br />for the project. At the meeting, the Contractor will work with the applicant to generate <br />ideas and specific types of improvements that would improve the appearance of the <br />building/commercial space and positively impact the commercial district. The architect <br />will provide the City with an accurate estimate for the cost of design work. <br /> <br />b. Research and Field Measuring: The Contractor will use historical and existing plans, as <br />available for each project, to determine the potential for restoring the façade/historic <br />interior and to inform the proposed design. Additional field measurements and <br />photographs will also be made as required. <br /> <br />c. Design Work: The architectural firm will then complete design proposal(s) for the project. <br />Proposed façade improvements must be consistent with the budget for the project, as <br />discussed at Meeting One. Two or more alternative designs may be required, <br />depending on staff recommendations and the type of project. Depending on the scope of <br />the project, additional meetings may be required to review preliminary design schemes <br />with the applicant and City, prior to completing final drawings. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 3104C1C9-2758-4980-B911-656172B91CB4DocuSign Envelope ID: 7EB2BD3C-11EA-4FD7-8B67-09DBFB4EAB4D