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<br />July 15, 2024 Page 11 City of San Leandro/ACI Franchise Agreement <br />Reusable Materials Collection service events. If the “daily limit” is exceeded, the City shall have the 377 <br />option of either: (i) expanding the program capacity by an additional thirty (30) Collection service 378 <br />events per Working Day at the then-current allowable cost of the Bulky Item program; (ii) extending 379 <br />the scheduling timeline from the Working Day requirements in Exhibit B; or, (iii) revising the 380 <br />program in some other way as a City-directed change in scope, subject to the requirements of 381 <br />Section 3.5. 382 <br />B. Bulky and Reusable Materials. Contractor shall offer Bulky Item and Reusable Materials Collection 383 <br />services as described in Exhibit B. On-call Bulky Item and Reusable Materials Collection services shall 384 <br />be offered to Customers within the Working Days specified in Exhibit B of the Customer’s requested 385 <br />service day. Pursuant to Exhibit B, Contractor shall make reasonable efforts to schedule on-call Bulky 386 <br />Item and Reusable Materials Collections on a day that is convenient to the Customer. Pursuant to 387 <br />the provisions of Exhibit B, Contractor shall handle Reusable Materials in such a way as to preserve 388 <br />such items for reuse and Transport all Bulky Items and Reusable Materials Collected under this 389 <br />Agreement to the appropriate Approved Facility. 390 <br />C. Textiles. Contractor shall offer Textile Collection in accordance with Exhibit B1 and B2. Contractor 391 <br />shall Transport all Textiles Collected under this Agreement to the Approved Reusable Materials 392 <br />Processing Facility. Contractor shall arrange for the transfer of Collected Textile materials from the 393 <br />Approved Reusable Materials Processing Facility to a City-Approved, third-party vendor for 394 <br />Recycling. In the event that such third-party vendor is no longer able to accept Textile materials for 395 <br />Recycling or the cost for Processing such materials has a demonstrated increase, Contractor shall 396 <br />immediately notify the City to discuss alternative options for the continuation of the Textile 397 <br />Collection program. 398 <br />D. Approved Bulky Item Processing. Contractor shall Transport all Bulky Items Collected under this 399 <br />Agreement to the Approved Bulky Item Processing Facility. Contractor shall pay all costs associated 400 <br />with Transporting Bulky Items. Contractor shall observe and comply with all regulations in effect at 401 <br />the Approved Bulky Item Processing Facility and cooperate with and take direction from the 402 <br />operator(s) thereof with respect to delivery of Bulky Items. Contractor shall ensure Bulky Items are 403 <br />Processed in a manner that maximizes Diversion. In the event of an emergency situation, the City 404 <br />has pre-approved the use of the Pleasanton Garbage Service, Inc. Material Recovery Facility in 405 <br />Pleasanton, CA, which is owned by Pleasanton Garbage Service, Inc., an Affiliate of Contractor. 406 <br />E. Approved Reusable Materials Processing Facility Contractor shall Transport all Reusable Materials 407 <br />Collected under this Agreement to the Approved Reusable Materials Processing Facility. Contractor 408 <br />shall pay all costs associated with Transporting Reusable Materials. Contractor shall observe and 409 <br />comply with all regulations in effect at the Approved Reusable Materials Processing Facility and 410 <br />cooperate with and take direction from the operator(s) thereof with respect to delivery of Reusable 411 <br />Materials. Reusable Materials shall be handled by Contractor’s personnel in such a manner as to 412 <br />maintain separation from other Bulky Items and to maintain condition of such Reusable Materials 413 <br />to allow for reuse. Upon delivery of Reusable Materials to the Reusables Materials Processing 414 <br />Facility, facility personnel shall evaluate the condition of such Reusable Materials and store such 415 <br />acceptable Reusable Materials with other Reusable Materials staged for transportation to the 416 <br />applicable destination for end use. Evaluation for reusability includes a visual observation of the 417 <br />condition and functionality of Reusable Materials received at the facility. Acceptable Reusable 418 <br />Materials are required to be clean and without damage, and mechanical elements shall be properly 419 <br />functioning. Other requirements of Reusable Materials condition, such as minimum specifications 420 <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 908A450D-1F36-4C09-B8A4-C1D639B5A05A