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January 21, 2025City Council Minutes <br />minutes. and impose a similar time limit for use of a boat launch. Limit the time that <br />boats can reside within the waters of San Leandro to 48 hours, except for those <br />located at an operational and licensed marina. <br />Councilmember Simon: <br />1.Ordinance requiring private failed sewer lateral replacement at the point of sale of a <br />home or business. Will protect environment & reduce storm flows into our waste water <br />plant. <br />2. Include a Native American land acknowledgment at the beginning of each council <br />meeting, lasting approximately 30 seconds. <br />CITY COUNCIL REPORTS, CALENDAR AND ANNOUNCEMENTS12. <br />City Councilmembers reported on attendance at intergovernmental agency meetings, <br />conferences, and seminars since the last meeting. City Councilmembers announced <br />their calendar of upcoming events and coordinated attendance, reported on local <br />events attended since the last meeting, and made brief comments on issues of <br />concern. <br />ADJOURN13. <br />The meeting was adjourned at 9:51 PM, in honor of Guadalupe Hernandez Lopez. <br />RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: <br />___________________________________ <br />Kelly B. Clancy, CMC <br />City Clerk for the City of San Leandro <br />Page 6City of San Leandro