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<br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised 12/23/2024 <br />Pacific Wastewater Optimization for Capital Program Management Services Exhibit A – Page 2 of 2 <br />Task 5: Sanitary Sewer Repair Project Management <br />The 10 year CIP Plan includes replacement for sewer mains in the Broadmoor and Westbay areas. Pacific <br />Wastewater Optimization will work with City staff to define the basic scope, methods, challenges, and issue <br />an RFP or manage an engineer hired through a separate staffing company to perform the work. <br />Deliverables: Define scope of work for consultant and coordinate preparation of plans and specifications. <br />Task 6: Small Project Coordination <br />Coordination of several small projects is included in the scope. These projects include preparing informal <br />specifications/plan sheets and seeking competitive bids to perform the construction. Projects include the <br />cathodic protection replacements at the remote sites (Sylvan, Benedict, and Teagarden Stations), Digester <br />No. 4 Roof Repairs, and bypass camlock flange installation. Third party consulting support for the Cathodic <br />Protection and flange installation is in addition to the costs in this proposal. <br />Deliverables: <br />• Plant Electrical Maintenance: Review plant electrical diagram, propose list of items to test, <br />propose RFP, meet with staff. Identify any additions /edits. Send for quote and make <br />recommendation for award. <br />• D4 Roof recoating: Prepare drawing of proposed scope and obtain two quotes. Coordinate repair <br />date. <br />• Cathodic protection of metal lift station wet wells: Obtain quote for design services, coordinate <br />design, and seek three bids for installation. <br />• Emergency bypass flange on discharge pipe: Prepare drawings, seek structural review of weld <br />details, seek three bids for installation <br /> <br />Docusign Envelope ID: DBB00E9D-5C7E-4FB2-BE6E-25881BC2C7EC