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<br />Amendment No. 3 to Installation <br />Agreement between City of San Leandro and 02/12/2025 <br />Climatec LLC for WPCP Efficiency Projects Page 6 of 7 <br /> <br />• No electrical conduit or conductor replacement or <br />modifications <br />Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) with Micro grid Controller <br /> Furnish and install one (1) new 500kW/1.1MWh battery system, to be utilized by <br />the treatment plant, for peak demand shaving, energy arbitrage and serve as the <br />primary backup power (up to the BESS rated capacity) during public safety power <br />shutoff (PSPS) and other power grid interruptions. <br />o Scope of Work Includes: <br />• Design engineering, consistent with plans dated 09/12/2022, pending <br />approval by the City Engineer <br />• Site preparation <br />• Equipment pads as required <br />• Provide and install one (1) BESS north of the main electrical <br />building (including auto transfer switch (ATS) and micro grid <br />controller) <br />• Electrical disconnect and reconnect <br />• Electrical conduit and required panels/connections <br />• Provide and install one (1) BESS medium voltage transformer <br />• Provide a digital output from the BESS to the SCADA to indicate <br />go/no-go status <br />• Provide key battery status information (e.g. charge state, amount <br />charged, amount discharged) to SCADA <br />• Update programming to ensure seamless handoff of the plant load from <br />the battery to the generator and back to grid during a power outage <br />• Equipment and system start-up and testing. <br />• Electrical Interconnection coordination with PG&E <br />o Assumptions: <br />o Architecture for the BESS connection to the SCADA network and/or <br />external connections must be approved by the City’s Information <br />Technology department, who may require approval of third party <br />consultants. <br />o Scope of Work Excludes: <br />• Integration (other than the single digital output from the BESS to the <br />SCADA to indicate go/no go noted above)of the BESS with the plant <br />SCADA system <br /> <br />Ferric Chloride System <br /> Provide and install necessary plant infrastructure to store and inject ferric chloride <br />chemical. Scope of Work includes: <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 6BEB24F4-5845-43B0-B263-0568B625C51E