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City of San Leandro <br />Meeting Date: April 18, 2022 <br />Staff Report <br />Agenda Section:File Number:21-732 CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Agenda Number:9.a. <br />TO:City Council <br />FROM:Fran Robustelli <br />City Manager <br />BY:Sheila Marquises <br />Engineering & Transportation Director <br />FINANCE REVIEW:Susan Hsieh <br />Finance Director <br />TITLE:Resolution to Approve a Consulting Services Agreement with Nichol Consulting <br />Engineers for the Design of the Annual Street Paving 2021-2023, Project No. <br />2022.0050 for an Amount Not to Exceed $1,065,000; to Authorize Individual <br />Agreement Amendments Up to 10% ($106,500); and to Authorize Cumulative <br />Agreement Amendments Up to 25% ($266,250) <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />This action will approve a Consulting Services Agreement (CSA) with Nichol Consulting <br />Engineers (NCE) for the civil engineering design of the Annual Street Paving 2021-2023, <br />consisting of 88 street segments dispersed throughout the City. <br />Staff recommends the following actions: <br />·Authorize the City Manager to execute a CSA with NCE for $1,065,000 for the subject <br />project; <br />·Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and approve individual agreement amendments <br />up to 10% ($106,500) of the original agreement amount; and <br />·Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and approve cumulative agreement amendments <br />up to 25% ($266,250) of the original agreement amount. <br />BACKGROUND <br />Streets are a critical component of the City’s infrastructure, and their condition is an important <br />factor in the quality of life for residents and the vitality of local businesses. Good pavement <br />conditions increase the efficiency of transporting goods, improve bicycle safety, and make <br />walking more appealing. Each day, residents are dependent on safe, reliable local streets and <br />roads to begin and end their daily commutes. Police, fire, and emergency medical services all <br />rely on safe and reliable roads to respond quickly to calls for service. <br />Improving the City’s average Pavement Condition Index (PCI) has been of high priority to the <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/13/2022