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City of San Leandro <br />Meeting Date: September 12, 2022 <br />Staff Report <br />Agenda Section:File Number:22-271 CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Agenda Number:10.k. <br />TO:City Council <br />FROM:Fran Robustelli <br />City Manager <br />BY:Tom Liao <br />Community Development Director <br />FINANCE REVIEW:Susan Hsieh <br />Finance Director <br />TITLE:Adopt Two Resolutions: 1. Declaring Intent to Form the City of San Leandro <br />Community Facilities District (CFD) No. 2022-1 (Monarch Bay Shoreline <br />Facilities & Services) (the “CFD”) and 2. Authorize Future Bonded Indebtedness <br />for the Proposed CFD No. 2022-1 <br />COUNCIL PRIORITY <br />·Infrastructure <br />·Sustainability & Resiliency <br />·Fiscal Sustainability and Transparency <br />SUMMARY <br />To meet the City’s policy goal of fiscal neutrality for the Monarch Bay Shoreline Development <br />public-private partnership project, a Community Facilities District (CFD) is proposed under the <br />Mello-Roos Communities Facilities Act of 1982 (Mello-Roos Act). Special taxes levied within the <br />CFD will provide a funding source for public services and public infrastructure (facilities) in the <br />Shoreline area, payable solely by property owners or lessees of City -owned property located <br />within the boundary of the CFD / new development. Exhibits B and C to Attachment A provide an <br />overview of potential services and facilities. <br />The first steps in the process of forming the CFD are two Resolutions of Intention (Attachments A <br />and B), which provide notice of intention to form the CFD, but do not commit the City Council to <br />establish the CFD nor authorize the levy of special taxes or the issuance of bonds. The formation <br />of the CFD will occur after a public hearing, scheduled for September 6, 2022. At that hearing, the <br />Council will be presented with additional information regarding the CFD, the special taxes, and <br />public facilities and services. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/13/2022