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City of San Leandro <br />City Council <br />Meeting Date: May 15, 2023 <br />Agenda Number: 13.b. <br />Agenda Section: ACTION ITEMS <br />File Number: 23-212 <br />File Type: Ordinance <br />First Reading of an Ordinance to Approve and Renew a Military Equipment, Funding, Acquisition and Use Policy <br />as Stated in San Leandro Municipal Code Chapter 4-42 in Compliance with Assembly Bill 481 <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />The purpose of California Assembly Bill 481 is to provide transparency, oversight, and an opportunity for <br />meaningful public input on decisions regarding whether and how military equipment is funded, acquired, <br />or used by law enforcement agencies. <br />Staff recommends the City Council approve and adopt the Military Equipment Funding, Acquisition and <br />Use Policy and renew Chapter 4-42 “Military Equipment Funding, Acquisition and Use Policy” in <br />compliance with California Assembly Bill 481. <br />BACKGROUND <br />On September 30, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill 481 (“AB 481”) relating <br />to the use of military equipment by law enforcement agencies, codified in California Government Code <br />sections 7070 through 7075. The law required law enforcement agencies to obtain approval of the <br />applicable governing body (City Council) for funding, acquiring, or using military equipment by <br />authorizing an ordinance adopting a “military equipment” use policy. <br />The definition of Government Code section 7070 does not necessarily constrain the definition of the <br />term “military equipment” solely to equipment that has been used by the military or purchased from the <br />federal government. Rather, the definition includes, but is not limited to, unmanned aerial or ground <br />vehicles, armored vehicles, command and control vehicles, less lethal projectile launchers, and <br />flashbangs. California AB 481 allows the governing body of a city to approve the funding, acquisition, or <br />use of military equipment within its jurisdiction only if it makes specified determinations. <br />The law also requires law enforcement agencies that received approval for a military equipment use <br />policy pursuant to Section 7071 to submit to the governing body an annual military equipment report for <br />each type of military equipment approved by the governing body within one year of approval, and <br />annually thereafter for as long as the military equipment is available for use. The law enforcement <br />agency must make each annual military equipment report required by this section publicly available on <br />its internet website for as long as the military equipment is available for use. <br />The annual military equipment report shall, at a minimum, include the following information for the <br />immediately preceding calendar year for each type of military equipment: <br />(1)A summary of how the military equipment was used and the purpose of its use. <br />(2)A summary of any complaints or concerns received concerning the military equipment. <br />(3)The results of any internal audits, any information about violations of the military equipment <br />use policy, and any actions taken in response. <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/10/2023