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<br />Section 20. Application of Pay Rates <br /> <br />Employees shall be paid a salary or hourly rate within the range established for that <br />classification under the City pay plan. Employees reinstated or reemployed after layoff <br />shall receive a pay rate within the pay range established for the class to which they are <br />assigned. <br /> <br />Employees may be assigned to perform the duties of a permanent position in a higher <br />classification on a temporary basis. Such assignments shall be termed "acting assignments" <br />and shall be made subject to the following conditions: <br /> <br />A. Acting assignments shall be made by the department head only, with City Manager <br />approval, and shall be made prior to the beginning of the shift and with written <br />notification to the acting employee; <br /> <br />B. Acting assignments shall be made only in those instances where the acting employee <br />is required to perform all of the duties and responsibilities of the position for which <br />the employee is acting. Acting pay shall not be authorized for periods of less than <br />one (1) full work day. Payment for an acting assignment shall commence on the first <br />day of such assignment; <br /> <br />C. Acting pay shall be that certain step in the salary range of the higher classification <br />which generates an increase above the acting employee's current salary of not less <br />than five percent (5%). <br /> <br />Nothing in this section shall preclude the temporary assignment of an employee to perform <br />some of the duties of a higher classification for the purpose of providing training in the <br />work of the higher classification. Such temporary training assignment shall not constitute <br />acting assignment within the meaning of this section. <br /> <br />It is understood that the provisions of this section shall not be interpreted as requiring the <br />City to fill each temporary vacancy by an acting assignment. <br /> <br />For the period of the Memorandum of Understanding, Administrative Specialist Police, <br />Police Services Aides and Dispatchers who are assigned for at least thirty (30) consecutive <br />days to a duty assignment which is required to be staffed twenty-four (24) hours per day, <br />seven (7) days a week, shall receive a total of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month pay <br />differential when so assigned. It is recognized and agreed that the work day for Police <br />Services Aides will be eight (8) hours and fifteen (15) minutes, which will include a fifteen <br />(15) minute period for briefing and roll call. During this work day, a meal break may be <br />taken only if the work situation so permits. The Police Services Aide who regularly <br />performs administrative secretary duties, the Police Services Aide who perform clerical <br />duties in the Investigation Division, the Police Services Aide who performs duties in the <br />Warrants Section, and the Police Services Aide who performs D.A. Court Liaison and <br />witness duties shall receive a total of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per month pay <br />differential when so assigned. <br /> <br />For the period of this Memorandum of Understanding, up to fourteen (14) Police Services <br />Aide positions with a communications assignment shall receive a ten percent (10%) pay <br /> <br />17 <br /> <br />