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<br />differential. For the period of time that Police Service Aide is acting as a trainer in either a <br />records or communications assignment, he/she shall receive an additional twenty-five <br />dollars ($25.00) a day pay differential. <br /> <br />For the period of time that Police Service Aide, Public Safety Dispatcher and Jailer are <br />assigned to work in a training capacity, he/she shall receive an additional twenty-five <br />dollars ($25.00) a day pay differential. <br /> <br />Full-time Administrative Specialist-Police, Dispatcher, and Police Services Aides who are <br />required to maintain uniforms shall be allowed a uniform allowance of five hundred dollars <br />($500.00). Payment shall be made by separate check. <br /> <br />Section 21. Lavoff <br /> <br />The parties are in accord that the following provisions supplement and clarify language <br />included in the current Memorandum of Understanding between the City Of San Leandro <br />and the IFPTE, Local 21 and the Personnel Rules covering layoffs. It is understood that <br />only the employee groups defined below possess the referenced layoff rights. Prior to the <br />layoff of any full-time or permanent part-time employees, hourly part-time and/or <br />temporary employees within the same classification, will be released. <br /> <br />Definitions <br /> <br />Permanent Part-time Employees: Hourly employees working a fixed-weekly schedule for a <br />minimum of 1,000 hours a fiscal year for two consecutive fiscal years. <br /> <br />Full-time Employees: Regular hourly employees scheduled to work 2080 hours in a fiscal <br />year. <br /> <br />Special Considerations <br /> <br />. Layoffs will be conducted by classification in the following order: "Permanent part- <br />time" employees and then full-time employees. <br />. A full-time employee whose position has been identified for elimination may, in lieu of <br />layoff, bump another full-time employee with less seniority in that classification and <br />then in previously held classifications. If no such position exists, the affected employee <br />may bump a "permanent part-time employee" regardless of relative seniority within the <br />same or previously-served classification. <br />. Ties in seniority within the same classification shall be first broken by City-wide <br />seniority and then by lot. <br />. Notice of potential layoff shall be delivered personally to an affected employee or be <br />sent by mail and confirmed through the "Certificate of Mailing" process. <br />. "Permanent part-time" employees who become full-time employees, without a break in <br />service, in the same classification will receive seniority credit for time served in such <br />status on an hour-for-hour basis converted to yearly service credit upon their <br />appointment to the full-time classification. <br />. "Permanent part-time" employee seniority shall be calculated based on the total number <br />of hours worked in the classification. The calculation of service credit for "permanent <br />part-time employees" will be determined by the number of paid hours worked through <br />the last pay period 30 days prior to the date of layoff. <br /> <br />18 <br /> <br />