sewage hauled as an incidental part of septic tank or cesspool-cleaning service; (2) garbage (i.e.
<br />putrescible animal, fish, food, fowl, fruit or vegetable matter, or any thereof, resulting from the
<br />preparation, storage, handling or consumption of such substances); (3) rubbish (such as printed
<br />materials, paper, pasteboard, rags, straw, used and discarded clothing, packaging materials, ashes,
<br />floor sweepings, glass, and other waste materials).
<br />Residentiai Recycling "Residential Recycling" means the collection, processing and marketing of
<br />those Recyclable Materials that are collected from Single-family Residences, Multi-Family Residences,
<br />and Mobile Home Parks under this Franchise on an exclusive basis and that, subject to mutually
<br />agreed revision by the Parties, includes newspaper (including inserts, coupons, and store
<br />advertisements); chipboard; corrugated cardboard; mixed waste paper (including office paper,
<br />computer paper, magazines, junk mail, catalogs, kraft bags and kraft paper, paperboard, egg cartons,
<br />phone books, brown paper, grocery bags, colored paper, construction paper, envelopes, legal pad
<br />backings, shoe boxes, cereal and other similar food boxes); glass containers (including brown, clear,
<br />and green glass bottles and jars};aluminum (including beverage containers, foil, food containers, small
<br />scrap metal); steel or tin cans; waste oil; oil filters; and PETE and HDPE plastic containers (natural and
<br />colored).
<br />Residential Bin Service "Residential Bin Service" means Bin service provided to persons occupying
<br />Multi-Family Residences and Mobile Home Parks in which Containers are not separately provided for
<br />each residential unit, and that includes only Solid Waste and Recyclables collection.
<br />Residential Cart Service "Residential Cart Service" means Cart service provided to persons
<br />occupying Single-i=amity Residences, Multi-Family Residences and Mobile Home Parks to the
<br />individual unit and that includes Solid Waste, Recyclables and Green Waste collection.
<br />Residue "Residue" means materials which remain after processing Recyclable Materials which
<br />cannot be Recycled, marketed, or otherwise utilized, including but not limited to materials such as
<br />rocks, contaminated paper, putrescibles and other debris. Residue shall not exceed ten (10) percent
<br />by weight, and may be Disposed of at a Disposal Site(s) of the Contractor's choosing.
<br />Signature Date "Signature Date" means the date of execution of this Franchise by both Parties.
<br />Single-Family Residence "Single-Family Residence" means any attached or detached building or
<br />structure, or portion thereof, thatis used forresidential housing purposes and has one (1) distinct living
<br />unit not including in-law units.
<br />Single Stream Service "Single Stream Service" means collection of residential Recyclables
<br />commingled in a single Container at one time.
<br />Solid Waste "Solid Waste" means waste as defined in California Public Resources Code, Division
<br />30, Part 1, Chapter 2, § 40191 and regulations promulgated thereunder and withoutlimitation includes
<br />the following: (1) Solid Waste; (2) Bulky Wastes; (3) Special Wastes; (4) Construction and Demolition
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