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<br />BAAQMD FY2005 TFCA Funding Agreement <br /> <br />3) Early Termination: This Agreement maybe terminated prior to completion of the term period upon any <br />of the following circumstances: <br /> <br />A. The heavy.duty vehicles or associated capital equipment funded under this Agreement become <br />inoperable through mechanical failure of components or systems directly related to the fuel <br />technology being utilized, and such failure is not caused by Project Sponsor's negligence, misuse, <br />or malfeasance. <br /> <br />B. Project Sponsor shall submit written documentation supporting any basis for early termination for <br />the approval of the Air District. <br /> <br />Reimbursement for Early Termination: Project Sponsor is obligated through this Agreement to acquire <br />and operate capital equipment funded under this Agreement as well as to provide periodic reports to the <br />Air District. Should Project Sponsor desire to terminate this Agreement prior to the end date for <br />reasons other than those stated in Item 3.A, Project Sponsor shall reimburse the Air District for a <br />prorated share of the funds provided under this Agreement. The prorated share for which Project <br />Sponsor shall be liable shall be 100% if the termination occurs within one (1) year of project <br />implementation; 80% if termination occurs between years one (1) and two (2); 60% between years two <br />(2) and three (3); 40% between years three (3) and four (4); 20% between years four (4) and five (5); <br />and 0% after year five (5). The reimbursable amount shall be paid to the Air District within sixty (60) <br />calendar days of the early termination date. Project Sponsor shall not be responsible for any <br />reimbursement to the Air District if termination results from one or more of the reasons set forth in Item <br />2. Nothing in this Item entitles Project Sponsor to payment in the event of breach. <br /> <br />4) Indemnity: Project Sponsor will indemnify and hold harmless the Air District, its officers, employees, <br />agents, representatives, and successors-in-interest against any and all claims, suits or actions arising out <br />of an act or omission of the Project Sponsor or its employees, subcontractors or agents in the <br />performance of this Agreement, except to the extent such claim, suit or action arises out of the sole <br />negligence or willful misconduct of the Air District. Project Sponsor will cause any third party who <br />owns, operates or controls the motor vehicle(s) purchased with TFCA funds under this Agreement to <br />indemnify the Air District in accordance with this provision. This indemnification will survive <br />expiration or termination of this Agreement. <br /> <br />Air District shall indemnify and hold harmless Project Sponsor its officers, employees, agents, and <br />successors~in-interest against any and all claims, suits or actions arising out of a negligent act or <br />omission by Air District in the performance of its duties under this Agreement. <br /> <br />5) Notices: Any notice which may be required under this Agreement shall be in writing, shall be effective <br />when received, and shall be given by personal delivery service or first class mail, to the addressees set <br />forth on Attachment A, or to such addressees which may be specified in writing by the parties. Each <br />party shall promptly inform the other of any change of address or addressee for notice. <br /> <br />6), Contacts: The persons listed as Contacts in Attachment A will be the first point of contact and act as <br />the liaisons between the Air District and Project Sponsor with regards to the day-to-day activities of the <br />Project. All reports and correspondence are to be addressed to the specified Contacts. Each party shall <br />promptly inform the other of any change of address or addressee for notice. <br /> <br />7) Project Number: All correspondence shall reference the "Project Number" specified in <br />Attachment A. <br /> <br />8) Integration: This Agreement represents the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to the subject <br />matter described in this Agreement, and no representation, warranties, inducements or oral agreements <br />have been made by any of the parties except as expressly set forth herein. <br /> <br />9) Amendment: This Agreement may not be changed, modified, or rescinded except in writing and signed <br />by the parties hereto. Any attempt to modify this Agreement orally will be void and of no effect. The <br />Air District and Project Sponsor Contacts as specified in Attachment A may jointly authorize, in <br /> <br />TFCA Regional Fund Project 05R60 <br /> <br />Page 4 <br />