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<br />7. All on-site storm drain inlets must be labeled "No Dumping -Drains to Bay" using <br />approved thermoplastic paint methods. All on-site storm drains must be cleaned at <br />least twice a year and immediately prior to the rainy season. The City Engineer may <br />require additional cleaning. <br /> <br />8. A homeowner's association shall be created and shall be responsible for maintaining <br />all private streets and private utilities and other privately owned common areas and <br />facilities on the site including landscaping. These maintenance responsibilities shall <br />include implementing and maintaining stormwater BMPs associated with <br />improvements and landscaping and will include the maintenance responsibilities <br />described in the maintenance plan, which is included as an attachment to the <br />stormwater treatment measure O&M agreement for the subject property. CC&R's <br />creating the association shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to the <br />recordation of the Final Map and recorded prior to the sale of the first residential unit. <br />The CC&Rs shall describe how the stormwater BMPs associated with privately <br />owned improvements and landscaping shall be maintained by the association. <br /> <br />9. The homeowner's association shall prepare and implement a plan for street sweeping <br />of paved private roads and cleaning of all storm drain inlets. <br /> <br />F. WATER SYSTEM <br /> <br />1. The Subdivider shall submit plans approved by EBMUD showing the water service <br />extension, network analysis and looping requirements. If the plans are not ready, <br />subdivider could submit a letter issued by EBMUD stating that necessary <br />arrangement has been to provide water service to the subdivision. <br /> <br />2. On site street fire hydrants with minimum fire flow and spacing in accordance with <br />the San Leandro Uniform Fire Code will be required. Prior to installation, the Fire <br />Department shall approve the location of the fire hydrants. A water supply and <br />hydrants shall be in place prior to combustible material being moved into any phase <br />of the project to the satisfaction of the Fire Department. <br /> <br />G. SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM <br /> <br />1. The project is within Oro Lorna Sanitary District service area. The proposed sanitary <br />connection to the sewer main is on south side of the property. Prior to the approval of the <br />Final Map, the subdivider shall have improvement plans approved and signed by Oro <br />Lorna for the proposed sanitary sewer connection. All required improvements are subject <br />to the review and approval of the City Engineer and shall be constructed as part of the <br />Subdivision improvements. <br /> <br />Page 6of9 <br />