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<br />MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />INTERIM CENTER- TO-CENTER PROGRAM <br /> <br />D. The Parties to this MOU endorse the concept of systems integration based on the <br />National ITS Architecture and Standards, and will endeavor to conform with the <br />ITS Architecture and Standards to the greatest degree possible. <br /> <br />II. COMMITTEES <br /> <br />A. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE <br /> <br />1. Role: The Executive Committee will be responsible for maintaining high-level <br />support for the Program and conveying the Program's status and policy issues to <br />the Parties' appointing governing boards, as necessary. Other roles and <br />responsibilities of the Executive Committee include the following: <br />. Adopt policies and procedures necessary for the success of the Program. In <br />addition to the "Policy for the Exchange of Real-Time Traffic Data and Real- <br />Time Video", which Policy is marked Attachment 1, attached hereto and <br />incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, the Executive <br />Committee will consider the adoption of policies and procedures for <br />configuration management, and policies and procedures for the operation, <br />management, and maintenance of the System elements. <br />. Resolve institutional issues, policy differences or other disagreements <br />between Parties that cannot be resolved by the Technical Advisory Committee <br />("T AC"), as defined below. The Executive Committee will address a <br />disagreement by providing guidance to the T AC, conveying the issue to the <br />respective appointing governing boards, or use other appropriate means. In <br />addition, any Party that disagrees with a decision by the T AC may request the <br />T AC to review its decision, and following that reconsideration, may request <br />the Executive Committee to review the decision of the T AC. If the Executive <br />Committee accepts the request to review the decision, it shall convey any <br />recommendations regarding the decision to the T AC. <br />. Modify this MOU to add new Parties, and make other minor changes as <br />necessary. <br /> <br />2. Members: The Executive Committee will consist of five members, with one <br />member representing the lead agency for each participating Smart Corridor as <br />well as the regional agencies, and will be composed of the following agencies: <br />MTC, Caltrans, City of San Jose, City of Pleasanton, and City and County of San <br />Francisco. Each agency will ensure that an executive or senior staff level person, <br />who can advise on agency policy, attends the Executive Committee meetings. <br /> <br />3. Meetings: The Executive Committee will meet as frequently as it determines to <br />be necessary to address issues and provide guidance to the T AC. The Executive <br />Committee's guidance will permit implementation of the Program in a manner <br />that reflects and accommodates the policies of the impacted Parties. <br /> <br />2 <br />