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<br />3. ACFD Responsibilitv <br /> <br />ACFD shall be responsible for dispatch lines and day-to-day cleaning <br />and light maintenance of the facility. Only those actual and direct costs <br />incurred by the ACFD in maintaining this facility shall be charged to the City. <br />Those costs incurred by the ACFD in performing maintenance and repair <br />responsibilities as provided for in this section shall be identified separately by <br />facility on the ACFD's bill for services to the City and on ACFD's annual <br />budget submittal to the City. ACFD shall have no responsibility for <br />maintaining public liability and property damage insurance for City owned fire <br />stations. <br /> <br />4. Use of Trainina Tower Facility <br /> <br />City will allow ACFD unlimited use and access to the Training Tower <br />facility 7 days a week, 24 hours per day without fee or charge. ACFD shall <br />provide for annual routine maintenance, repair and upkeep to the facility as <br />part of ACFD's annual budget appropriations. In exchange for the usage <br />allowance by the City, the City will be exempt from maintenance or upkeep <br />costs as may be computed based on ACFD's shared allocation methodology. <br /> <br />In the event that capital replacement needs are identified by ACFD <br />and/or the City, said needs and estimated costs shall be identified and <br />documented in writing between ACFD and the City. The City and ACFD <br />shall meet and negotiate a final resolution with the City providing the agreed <br />to capital improvements. <br /> <br />5. Return Upon Termination <br /> <br />Upon termination of this Agreement, ACFD will deliver all San Leandro <br />Fire Stations and Training Tower facility to City, reasonable wear and tear <br />excepted. <br /> <br />b. Apparatus/Equipment <br /> <br />1. Use of Apparatus and Equipment <br /> <br />City will provide ACFD use of the City-owned apparatus and <br />equipment identified in Exhibit 3 ("City of San Leandro Fire <br />Apparatus/Equipment Inventory") for performance of services to the City <br />under the terms of this Agreement. The City may purchase new equipment <br />and apparatus, as necessary in order to maintain adequate service levels <br />and to ensure safe working conditions. <br /> <br />Agreement Regarding Fire and Emergency <br />Response Services ~ San Leandro/Alameda County <br /> <br />Page 16 of24 <br />