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<br />sponsor, provided that lodging at the group rate is available to the member of a legislative body <br />or City employee at the time of booking. <br /> <br />c. If such advance arrangements cannot be made due to lack of advance warning or <br />other extenuating circumstances as approved by the City Manager or his or her designee before <br />the expenses are incurred, members of a legislative body or City employees may be reimbursed <br />for lodging expenses, so long as the amount of the reimbursement does not exceed the <br />government or group rates offered by a provider of lodging in a location that is reasonable and <br />convenient in relation to the member or employee's official business needs or the maximum <br />group rate published by the event or activity sponsor, whichever is higher. <br /> <br />11. Incidental Expense Reimbursement. Members of a legislative body and City <br />employees may be reimbursed for actual and necessary incidental expenses incurred in <br />connection with a conference, organized educational activity, or other performance of official <br />duties. Incidental expenses include reasonable gratuities for hotel and airline employees, <br />baggage fees, parking fees, cab fares, public transportation costs, tolls, telephone calls, <br />telegrams, faxing, and special delivery services related to the performance of official duties, <br />telephone calls of a personal nature, hotel internet charges, and other such incidental expenses. <br />Members of a legislative body may be reimbursed for such incidental expenses related to <br />reasonable gratuities for which receipts are not customarily given. <br /> <br />Reimbursement for expenses incurred in placing telephone calls of a personal nature shall be <br />limited to $10 per day for travel within California, and $20 per day for travel outside of <br />California. <br /> <br />12. Conference Registration Fee Reimbursement. When possible, members of a <br />legislative body and City employees should arrange for conference and organized educational <br />activity registration fees to be paid in advance of the conference by the City. If such advance <br />arrangements cannot be made due to lack of advance warning or other extenuating circumstances <br />as approved by the City Manager or her or her designee, members of a legislative body and City <br />employees may be reimbursed for the actual cost of a conference or organized educational <br />activity registration fee. <br /> <br />13. Other Expenses. All other actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of <br />official duties that are not described in this Policy shall not be reimbursed unless approved <br />before the expense is incurred by the City Council. <br /> <br />14. Prohibited Expense Reimbursements. Members of a legislative body and City <br />employees shall not be reimbursed for non-business expenses including, but not limited to <br />alcoholic beverages, spouse or family meals, entertainment expenses such as movie rental fees, <br />theater tickets or sporting event fees, fines for parking citations, laundry, replacement fees for <br />lost keys, and fees assessed for damage to lodging premises. <br /> <br />809279-4 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2006-079 <br /> <br />5 <br />